page : twenty three

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don’t  t h i n k  of
anything, don’t say
a n y t h i n g ,  not
even a w o r d , just
give me a  s m i l e  ,
i s t i l l can’t believe
it, all of this seems
like a  d r e a m , don’t
try to d i s a p p e a r.

butterfly by bts

05:39, wednesday
23rd day of december

"it's pretty." jihoon stare at the bright sky, eyes full of admiration.

the sun is high up in the sky, enveloping the busy street of seoul with a little amount of warmth in the middle of a chilling morning.

"indeed, it is." soonyoung said, staring at the younger instead of the bright sky, eyes full of adoration.

the older would rather stare at the younger all day than to stare at any breath taking scenery.

"want to know what's more pretty?" asked soonyoung, shifting on his position and successfully earning the attention of the guy.

"what?" asked jihoon, curious.

"you and your smile." the older replied, eyes fixed on the shorter.

making the younger blushed.

"just wanna tell you that even if we're in a museum full of arts, i'd only stare at you." added the choreographer.

jihoon smiled.

"when will it snow?" asked the shorter, changing the topic. with a pout, he stare above.

soonyoung chuckles, ruffling the hair of his adorable boyfriend.

"well maybe, if it's delayed, exactly 25 but if not, exactly on the eve." said soonyoung.

"and if it's earlier than expected, maybe today, later at night." he continued.

"i can't wait, i want to see the snow right now." said jihoon.

behind his words hide million of meanings.

he was ao certain that he won't last longer. he knew within around this month, he will disappear any time.

maybe he can't even make it on joshua's birthday.

soonyoung walked over jihoon's back, hugging him from behind.

chuckling, he rest his chin on the younger's shoulder.

"be patient hoonie, don't worry, you will get see the snow fall, soon." he softly said.

jihoon wanted to reply but decided not to, he decided not to tell the truth that there's something inside, telling that within this month—no, maybe even within this week, he'll disappear and will officially leave.

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