Chapter 4

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^^^Astrid Jones^^^

Bella's POV

I woke up early in the morning because it's my turn to cook. Unlike Becca I get everyone up first. I walk to her room to wake her up.

I open her bedroom door but she's not there. What happened? I know my parents are home. They came home last night as a 'surprise'.

I walk downstairs quietly and see that she's not in the kitchen or anywhere to be seen. The basement. I walk to the basement door and look around. Dread fills me as I put my hand on the handle of the door.

I open the door and walk down the stairs. Once I get there I turn on the light and gasp at the sight. I walk towards Becca's bloodied body. Her back has multiple wounds and her face is beaten up. She's bruised and cut.

I look around and see a bottle. I pick it up to see what it was. It was wolfsbane. She's not going to heal for a while. She won't be able to heal fast for another 3 days when she can talk to her wolf again.

I pick her up gently and take her to her bedroom before anyone can see us.

When I lay her on her bed I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower. When I walk back into the bedroom she's awake.

"Bella?" She asks. Her voice is scratchy.

"Yeah it's me. We need to get you cleaned up" I say softly and pick her up off the bed.

She walks to the bathroom but is leaning on me heavily. I put her in the shower and help her wash. I'm still in pyjamas so it's not too bad.

Once the dried blood is off of her skin and out her hair she gets out and dries off. I get her to change into pyjamas and take her back to bed.

She sits up, she's wearing her favourite black silk trousers. She's not wearing a top or bra. I put a bandage around her torso and help her put her t-shirt on.

"What time is it?" She whispers. Her throat must be sore from screaming. The room is sound proof. I clean her wounds properly, put an ice pack on her black eye and put plasters on her cuts.

"6:45 am. Don't worry, I called the school to say your off today. They don't mind" I explain.

"Thank you" she whispers and drifts off to sleep again.

I put her phone on charge with her laptop and kindle so she doesn't have to move much to get them.

I also put 3 bottles of water and a glass on her nightstand for her to drink when she wakes up.

I walk out of the room, quickly get ready for school in my denim jeans and black 'not in the mood for your face' t-shirt with my black converse and grey hoodie.

Once I did that I started making waffles for breakfast. As usual we eat at the dining table for breakfast. The only difference, my parents are here too. My parents get up and grab their cases from the bottom of the stairs once they finish.

"We're going on another business trip. We'll be back in a few weeks" my mother says. She looks at me the whole time. She hit me last night, trying to get me to tell her where Becca was. I wouldn't. I'm a loyal sister.

I covered my bruises up today so the others wouldn't see them. Once my parents left we ate in silence, until Arabella broke it.

"Where's Becca?" She asked.

"She's ill so she's not coming to school today" I say simply with a fake smile to show it's ok.

Callum went early with my parents because he has rugby training this morning. Once we're done we wash up and I drive them to school.

Daz's POV

I got to school early like I do every morning to do the check to see that everyone gets to school safe.

Every rogue and werewolf must attend primary and secondary school until graduation. It's a new law.

I stand at the front of the school with my beta and delta. Ryder (my beta) walks over to Bella Jones, his mate, when she arrives.

I walk with him. Becca's car isn't here but they have all arrived at school. Maybe she's got something on and she's coming in later. Hopefully. I miss her. She's my mate and I want to see her.

I feel a pull towards her and I want to see her all the time. I want to hear her angelic voice and laugh. I want to see her.


It's lunch and Becca still hasn't shown up. I sit at our usual table and wait for the others. Bella sits in front of me with Ryder next to her.

"Where's Becca?" I ask. Bella looks at Ryder and back at me.

"She's ill" she tells me simply.

"Oh" I say.

"Why?" Bella asks suspiciously.

"Um" I hesitate to answer. "She's my mate but we haven't done anything. She hugged me yesterday and we spoke for a bit but that's all"

"She's your mate? This is so exciting" Bella says.

"Will you keep it down?" I snapped. Ryder glared at me and pulled Bella to his side more.

"Hey baby" Carmen says behind me. She sits on my lap and runs her fake nails down my chest.

"Go away Carmen" I growl at her.

"But why baby? I thought you loved me?" She pouts.

"No, I don't. Your not my mate" I said.

"Won't you fuck me? I'm sure you want to" she says seductively. I pick her up and put her on her feet.

"No" I snap and she walks away with a huff.

"What's that all about?" Bella asks.

"She thinks I'm her mate" I grumble.

"Oh, anyway" Bella says.

"Are you coming to the street race tonight, babe?" Ryder asks Bella.

"Of course I am" she says. The bell rings and I make my way to class.

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