Chapter 14

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^^Bella's Dress^^

When I wake up I shower and go downstairs to make breakfast. Everyone comes downstairs and sits at the table eating breakfast.

"Where's Callum?" Astrid asks.

"I don't know" I answer. I sit at the head of the table with Daz and Bella next to me.

After we finish breakfast I take two plates of pancakes and two glasses of water to the infirmary. When I get there I see Callum sitting in a chair with his mate next to him.

"Good morning Callum" I say.

Callum stands up and bows at me. It's great to see people respect me like this but it can get annoying.

"Good morning Queen" he says.

"Sit down" I giggle.

He does as I say and I pass him the plate. He puts it on the side and I pass the other boy the other plate.

"Good morning" I smile at him.

"I-um-uh" he stumbles over his words.

"Please, eat up. I made them myself" he nods and picks up the fork.

"I will be back in a bit to see you" I say.

I walk into my office. I spend so much time in here at the moment. I look at my papers trying to decide who should be my Delta. I know that Daz's Delta should be mine but I don't know him or trust him. I can't have someone I don't trust as my Delta.

Myself and Daz as Alpha and Luna. Becca and Ryder as Betas.

I think I want Callum and Jake as my Deltas. They are the perfect warriors. They are both strong. But then maybe I could ask Brent? No, he's too cocky.

After some time of debating, I finally decide to have Callum and Jake as my Deltas. Daz sits in my office with me, as we discuss whether my father should attend.

"He is my father" I point out.

"He could start a fight, I'm not sure I'm comfortable to have him come. Especially after what he did to you" Daz says. I'm sitting on his lap behind my desk. I sigh.

"The kids haven't seen him since my mother sent them to another pack. His old pack. I can't do that. I have to let them see him" I say. We discuss it for a while.

"Fine, he can come" Daz says eventually.

"Ok, it's the last one" I say. I send the invitation and turn around so I'm straddling Daz.

I look into his eyes and my core clenches at how much I need him. I kiss him with as much love as I can muster. Showing him how much I need him. He groans into the kiss when I grind myself onto him.

"Becca" he breaths. I hum a response. He kisses my neck and sucks on where he marked me. I know he's gonna leave a mark.

"We have to go tell Callum" I say. As much as I want to stay and go further, we have things to do.

"It'll only take a few minutes" Daz complains. I laugh and get up.

He gets up and places his hands on my hips.  He brings me closer for another kiss before taking my hand in his. We walk to the infirmary.

When we get into the infirmary, I stop at what I see. Callum is straddling Jake and they are kissing passionately. I want to leave and let them have some privacy, but Callum's interrupted me so many times and this is an important matter to discuss.

"Callum?" I say. Callum turns around and blocks Jack from my view.

Daz let's go of my hand and picks up the boys tops off of the floor and passes them to them. They thank him and put their tops back on before Callum gets off and faces me.

His cheeks are slightly red. Jack sits up and holds Callum's hand. Jack looks down, clearly avoiding eye contact with me.

"Luna, queen" Jack breathes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I cut him off before he can say anything.

"It's ok, there is no need to apologise" I say.

"But," he looks down, confused. "He's your brother and-"

"As long as you care for each other I don't mind" I explain.

"Jack, it's ok" Callum whispers. He sits down on Jacks bed and he moves over so they can both sit there.

"As you know, I'm the soon-to-be-queen. My name is Becca. This is my mate Daz" I introduce.

"It's nice to meet you" Daz says.

"It's so nice to meet you too" Jack replies.

"The first thing I would like to ask is if Callum has asked you to the ceremony?" I ask.

"Yes," he said. "I would love to attend but I have nothing to wear"

"We can sort that out" Daz says.

"We have also decided that Callum will be my Delta" I announce. Callum sits up in excitement.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief.

"Of course" I say. Jack looks down with a sad expression.

"What does that mean will happen to me?" Jack asks me.

"It means you too, are my Delta. Assuming you are Callum's mate and will not reject him" I say with a sweet smile.

A hurt expression washes over Callum but soon disappears as he waits for Jacks answer.

"I would never reject Callum. He's all I've ever wanted. He saved me from my father" Jack says quietly.

"Congratulations" Daz smiles and shakes his hand.

"What am I supposed to do now? Do I go back to my house?" Jack answers.

"Of course not, dear. This is your home now. You are Callum's mate. We can't let you go home with that horrible man" I say.

"Where do I stay?" He asks.

"Well," I pause to think of it. "You can share a room with Callum or you can have your very own room on the second floor"

"It's up to you" Daz says.

"But, I don't have anything" Jack says. I laugh under my breath.

"Callum can take you shopping" I say.

"What about my school stuff?" He asks.

"I can sort that out. Don't worry about anything. We've got it all covered" Daz says. Callum smiles at us for accepting his mate.

"Thank you" Jack says and smiles at us. Callum wraps an arm around Jacks shoulders and pulls him close to his side. They are so cute.

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