Chapter 13

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^^Astrids dress^^

I wake up in the morning. My core hurts and so does my neck. Memories of last night flood into my brain. I turn and look to see Daz looking at me.

I look at his neck and kiss where I marked him. He hums in response and turns so he's on top of me.

"Woah" someone says from the door. I look over Daz's shoulder to see Callum staring wide eyed at us.

"Did you- are you" he stumbles over what to say.

"We're mates, Callum" I say simply.

"That's my sister" he tells Daz.

"I know" Daz says and smirks at me.

"You know the rules, Callum" I say "just one week"

"A whole week?" He asks.

"Mary will drive you to school and look after you" I explain. Callum nods and leaves my room.


It's been almost two weeks and it's the first time I'm walking out of my bedroom. Mother was right. You can't keep your hands off of eachother.

Bella brought us food but quickly left. My body is sore. My desires still aren't fulfilled but it's not as bad as before.

We take a shower together and get changed. I walk downstairs and I'm greeted by the Moon Goddess standing in the kitchen.

"Mother?" I ask. She gets up and turns towards me. She walks up to me with her graceful steps and sniffs my neck.

"Is it completed?" She smiles sweetly.

"Yes" Daz answers.

"How long ago?" She asks us.

"11 days ago" I reply.

"They haven't gotten out of her room until today" Callum adds.

"Congratulations" she says. I nod a thank you.

We walk to my office and discuss the ceremony. By the afternoon, she leaves us alone to get prepared. The ceremony begins next week. It lasts a while.

I walk downstairs and take everyone to the mall to pick out their outfits. First, we buy the boys suits. Then we go to buy the girls dresses. We go to many stores. We finally find the perfect dresses.

Astrid has a pastel pink dress, Arabella has a pastel blue dress and Aaliyah has a pastel yellow dress.

Bella finds a magnificent red dress and I buy a blue and gold dress. We buy lingerie, perfume, shoes and accessories.

"Who are your dates?" I asked as we make our way to the food court.

The girls haven't found their mates and neither has Sam because their too young. Callum, on the other hand... he's just turned 16. The age your wolf starts to look for your mate.

"I'm taking Sam" Arabella says. It's cute how she's taking her brother.

"I'm taking Astrid" Aaliyah says and links arms with Astrid.

"I'm taking Daz" Bella says playfully and laughs. "Just kidding. I'm taking Ryder"

"I'm taking you" Daz says and looks into my eyes. I smile at him.

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