Chapter 15

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^^Becca's dress^^

Today is the day of the ceremony. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. The stage is ready out in the back garden, my mother is here and everyone is in their magnificent dresses.

Of course my mother is in the best dress of us all. She hugged Callum and introduced herself to Jack.

"Morning Callum" Mother says.

"Good morning, Moon Goddess" Callum bows. Jack follows what Callum does and bows. When they stand up she steps forward and hugs Callum gently.

"You look smart today" she complimented Callum.

"Thank you. You look beautiful" Callum replies with a smile.

"Thank you, dear" she says. Jack simply stood there in shock.

"Moon Goddess. This is my mate" Callum introduced.

"Jack Southwood" Jack introduces himself to her.

"Hello Jack. You look handsome today" she compliments. He blushes and looks at Callum.

"Thank you" he says.

"Becca, honey. You should go start and get ready" Mother says to me. I have slightly longer to get ready. In the past week we moved everything of ours to the castle that was built for us. Yes, a castle.

We have a castle to live in. There's a pack house near by it on our grounds so that the ones which just shifted can live there with some staff to supervise them. Then there are houses for the families to live in and the newly mated wolves.

I want to take rogues in to help them as well, instead of just killing them for tresspassing. There will be crops for people to grow their own vegetables for the pack and of course, the school which we currently attend.

Mine and Daz's packs are coming together because he is the alpha to be of his pack and as of today, the king of wolves.

"Yes mother" I say with a smile.

Jack looks at me, shocked that I called her mother. I go upstairs to my room to get ready.

I put my hair in a bun with two curled pieces at the front. I put light make up on because I didn't want too much. Then I put my dress on carefully and my blue heals to go with it.

Once I'm ready, I walk out of my bedroom carefully and meet Bella at the stairs. We walk down the stairs to gather to where the boys are waiting.

They look at us in awe as we decend the stairs slowly and dramatically. Daz takes my hand and puts it through his arm. Callum and Jack walk onto the stage first, then Ryder and Bella.

"Your new King and Queen" Mother announces. Everyone cheers as we walk onto the stage.

"Thank you" I say into the microphone. "As your new Queen I promise you that the wolf community will be rebuilt. We will visit every pack in this country and see if they are suitable for the packs. If not we will take them into our own. We will take out the pointless laws and put in better laws. We will make the wolf community safe again" cheers erupt and they clap.

The Moon Goddess tells them that I am indeed her daughter and so is Bella. She crowns us and congratulates us. Then she leaves so we can finish the rest of the ceremony.

We dance and mingle with people and new pack members before people leave and some stay for the dinner. We go to the dining room and sit around.

There are all the pack alphas in the country and their families as well as my father and his wife and my family and their mates.

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