Chapter 21

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"I was three years old when my mother left us. My mother, the moon goddess, fell in love with my father. When she left us she had a reason. But my father blamed us. He beat us. Everyday. I was put in silver chains. Punched, kicked, cut, sedated. So many things. This went on for years. It started when I was eight and carried on until, not even a year ago" I say.

"This carried on until he beat us to half death. My family, my siblings. They found us. They helped, they even called our mates. We saw our mother who also helped us. She showed us our powers. How to control them. But that didn't stop the nightmares. The memories" I finish. A tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away and look at Bailey.

What do you mean by 'us'?

"My beta. My twin sister, Bella" I explain. "Can you tell me why you were running?"

You won't judge me?

"I know how it feels. You don't want to tell me because your afraid that I'll judge you. Leave you alone again with no one" she nods in agreement.

"So, tell me. I swear I won't tell anyone unless you want me too" I say.

Who was that shirtless guy?

"My mate. Dazgimir. Daz, for short" I explain.

Does that make him the king?

"Yes" I sigh.

Did you tell him about your story?

"Yes. He knows everything. He helped me" I say.

Can he come here too? So I can tell you both at the same time?

"Of course" I smile and mind link him. A few minutes of silence and the door bursts open.

"What's wrong?" Daz asks frantically. He is in his jeans and a simply white t shirt that is clinging to his chest, showing all of his muscles.

"Bailey wanted to tell us something" I say. Daz snaps his head to Bailey. He steps closer and smells the air. It takes him a minute or two but he finally finds what he wants.

"Rogue" he snarls. He pushes me behind him and bares his teeth. Bailey whimpers and looks away.

"Dazgimir." I snap "I have granted Bailey passage. She will be treated equally. I have shared my past with her and if you cannot deal with that then leave"

"What?" Daz asks.

"Leave. If you can't handle it then leave" I say.

"No. No. I can stay. I can handle myself" Daz says quickly.

"Good. Now get out of my way" I say. He nods but doesn't step away. I sigh and walk around him to Bailey.

"I'm sorry Bailey. Daz can be extremely protective over me. He's my mate. He won't hurt you. Or I'll punish him" I wink at the end.

She nods, confused but agrees to carry on anyway. I walk up to Daz and lean into him. My hands on his chest.

"If you hurt her, scare her on purpose, or even remotely think of anything to get rid of her. There will be no sex or any other intimate moments for at least two months. You will only receive brief kisses" I whisper. He nods quickly and we sit down.

"Ok, Bailey. We want to know what happened. You don't have to tell in detail as long as we know roughly what happened so we can help" I say softly. Bailey nods and starts writing. Once she is done we read it.

"I was five years old when I got kidnapped. My father was the Beta of Alpha Drake in silver moon pack. Sadly, when I was training rogues attacked. I was taken to the rogue territory. I was blindfolded so I have no idea where it is.

I was kept captive in a cell for the past thirteen years. The rogue alpha, Franz, would rape me, beat me. Every day one of the rogues would beat me bloody. I was fed once every few weeks. I had wolf's bane injected into me so I couldn't contact anyone from my pack.

My wolf is too weak for me to shift. I ran away about a week ago. I ran and ran and ran. I didn't ever look at it. It was difficult. A guard had left my cage open, I ran around and found the door. Just as I got out Franz passed me. I ran as fast as I could. I managed to get a way and loose them. They probably assumed that I would die out there. I made it to the pack grounds when I saw you.

The rest, you know"

Daz wipes a tear from my eye. I didn't even realise that it had escaped.

"Bailey, was it?" Daz asks. Bailey nods her head in confirmation.

"Well, Bailey. How about we get you a room in the house?" Daz asks. Bailey nods hesitantly.

"You remember Dexton?" I ask slowly. Bailey nods.

"How about we get him to show you to your new room"? I say.


I mind link Dexton and a few minutes later, he enters the room.

"Dexton. Please escort Bailey to her room and make sure she is comfortable with her settings before coming back here. There is no rush. No need to worry" I say.

Dexton nods and escorts Bailey to her room. Once the door is firmly shut, I turn to Daz.

"How was training?" I ask.

"It was ok. It could've been better with you by my side but otherwise things went smoothly" Daz smiles.

"I'm glad they did" I say.

"Yes, well. When I walked in to see you with a rogue in this attire I assumed it was important" he smiles.

"That it was" I say.

"Well, my queen. I think we should check everyone is doing alright" Daz answers.

"Ah yes. I do need to speak to one couple" I say.

"Who is that, my love?" Daz asks. I stand up and he follows my actions. I walk towards the chart and take it down.

"A new name?" Daz asks, he wraps his arms around me in a hug from behind. His head resting on my shoulder.

"Yes. Lidia. She was making one of the omegas do her chores. Forcing her. She then proceeded to lie to me. So, she has received a punishment of extra chores between training and grounded. We must tell her parents as we do for the others" I tell him.

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