Chapter 16

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We moved into our new house and the wolves moved into their houses or the pack house. I love it.

We have a real pack. I was finishing unpacking my boxes in my office one morning, when there was a knock.

"Come in" I say. I was picking up my books when I felt hands on my waist. The sparks were all over my body.

"Hey, baby" Daz says into my ear. I turn around to see him smiling at me. I look into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, my King" I reply. He tightens his grip on my waist and kisses me quickly.

"Do you want to go for a run with me?" Daz asks.

"Definetly. I haven't let my wolf out in a while" I say.

He grabs my hand and we walk to the back garden. Once we are at the edge of the forest, we strip our clothes and shift into our wolf forms.

We run to the waterfall and sit at the edge. I love this waterfall. I play in the water, splashing in it, getting my paws wet. It's so carefree.

I bark out a laugh and see Daz looking at me curiously. I jump out of the water and wander over to Daz. My paws are wet and covered in sand.

"Your so amazing, do you know that?" Daz asks me.

"Thank you" I say. He licks my face and I turn back to the water.

I play in the water for a while until I sit down and watch the waterfall. Daz sits next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Happy Birthday, My Queen" Daz tells me. That's right. It's my birthday. I'm 18 years old today. I can't wait to find out what Bella has gotten me.

"Thank you, my love" I reply. I clean my paws quickly before running again. Daz stays at my side.

Since I marked him he's become much faster and can actually keep up with me. We run into a clearing which we usually run through to get home, but I don't feel Daz next to me. I whip my head from side to side to see he isn't there.

I stop in the middle of the clearing and do a full 360° but he isn't anywhere to be seen. Where could he be? I start to panic.

Rogues could've gotten him. A second later, someone pounces straight onto me. I howl thinking it's a rogue but when I look up I notice it's Daz.

"You scared me" I accuse.

"I'm sorry, I was just having some fun" he laughs.

"Are you laughing at me?" I ask. He gets up and lies down, weak from the laughter.

I turn and sit down. Facing away from him to show I don't find it funny. He apologises and nuzzles my neck. I tackle him to the ground and pin him down.

"Your stronger than I expected" Daz says. I can just feel the smirk in his voice.

"Thank you, I've been practicing" I say with a proud tone. I roll off of Daz and we lay next to eachother as we just sit in silence in eachothers presence.

"Becca?" Someone asks. I abruptly sit up and tilt my head to the side.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Where are you?" Bella asks.

"Daz took me out for a morning run" I say. "We're on the way back"

"So, I'll see you in a minute?" Bella asks.

"Yeah" I say. We get up and run back to the house.

We shift into human form and get changed at the edge of the woods. Usually I'm fine and can shift when I get home but I don't want to risk someone being there.

We walk into the house, hand in hand. We walk into the living room to see Bella, the triplets, Callum, Jake, Ryder, Sam and Daz's parents sitting in the living room.

"Happy birthday" they say simultaneously.

"Thank you" I chuckled. I sit down and unwrap my presents.

I have a charm bracelet I've never taken off that Bella buys a charm for me every year and I do the same for her.

Our mother gave them to us when we were babies and they grow to the size we need as we grow up. This year, I got a heart charm. I bought Bella a puppies charm. It's a big wolf with a small wolf to show that it's a family.

"What are you trying to say?" Bella asks jokingly.

"Your getting fat" I say in a joking tone back. Ryder growls at me and pulls Bella into his side. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it" I say. Bella playfully glares at me and I glare back.

I open the rest of my presents. Callum got us water guns so we could have a water fight later, Sam bought me some new racing gloves and Bella a new jumpsuit for mechanics on my cars.

The triplets bought us make up and clothes. I was opening Astrids present. She wanted me to open hers last out of the three of them.

Daz was drinking a glass of water when I opened it. He choked on the water when he saw what it was. I patted his back to help him. I looked down to see lingerie and condoms.

"Astrid" I say.

"What? I hear you guys practically every night fucking. You must be running out by now" Astrid says.

I feel the heat run into my cheeks, making me blush. I look down, letting my hair hide my face.

"Where did you get these? Your too young to buy them" I say.

"Bella bought them for me" Astrid shrugs. I glare at Bella then I hide my face in Daz's chest.

I'm sitting on his lap. I open the gift from Daz's parents to see beautiful dresses. They look expensive.

"Thank you, for everything" I say to everyone.

"You haven't opened my gift" Daz says. He passes me a present which I take from his hand and open it slowly. I open it to see a brand new leather jacket.

I pick it up and turn it around. On the back is a skull with roses as eyes and a crown on its head. I love it. I turn around and hug Daz in a deathly hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squeel. Daz chuckles and hugs me back.

I stand up and put the jacket on. It fits me perfectly. It feels so comfortable, I never want to take it off. I sit back on Daz's lap with my leather jacket on.

"Is it ok?" Daz asks me.

"It's perfect" I say.

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