Chapter 19

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Training. That's what my day will consist of. What a lovely thing. I hate mornings. This is something I am not looking forward to.

I turn off the alarm and cuddle into Daz's chest.

"Come on, Becca" Daz chuckles.

"Five more minutes" I moan. Daz sighs and lays me down onto the bed. He kisses my neck and then kisses my mark.

"Daz" I complain.

"Yes?" He asks innocently.

"Stop" I laugh.

"Not until you wake up, my Queen" he says. I open my eyes and look into his. I kiss him and he kisses back.

He pulls back quicker than I wanted. I pout and he laughs, he kisses me again for longer before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I sigh and fall back onto the bed whilst I wait for Daz to walk out of the bathroom. Once he does I rush into the room and do my business.

I shower and walk out into the bedroom in my towel. Daz stands there, only in his boxers. I blush and Daz laughs.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks with a smirk.

"I've seen better" I scoff. He growls and pulls me against his chest.

"I hope not" he huskily says. I giggle and kiss his lips. He kisses me back hungrily.

I pull away when things start to get heated. I drop my towel to the floor and look at Daz. His eyes are black with lust. I smirk and walk into the closet to get clothes.

I put a sports bra and panties on before putting on my bootie shorts and black trainers on to start training. I walk out and see Daz in his basketball shorts and no shirt.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yes, are you?" I ask.

"Yes" he smirks.

"Put a shirt on" I growl.

"Show less skin" he growls back. I glare at him with my deadliest glare and he quickly puts a shirt on.

I walk out shaking my hips from side to side for more of an affect. Once I get outside I see everyone waiting for us. Daz goes to my right to stand next to me. Callum and Jack are on my left.

"We will call names, please answer so we know you are present" I call the names and the ones who aren't here, Bella and Ryder go to see where they are. Once everyone is here, we begin.

"We will start with some stretches" I say. Everyone starts to stretch. The girls showing everything they got to the unmated wolves. Gag.

"Ok everyone. Either in wolf or human form. We will be doing a run around the pack tarritory" Daz announces. Daz runs in human form whilst I run in wolf form.

We start to run around the territory, Jack and Callum at the back of the group. As we run, I notice a rogue by our border lines. I stop but tell Daz to carry on.

Jack stays with me whilst Callum runs on. Jack is in his human form.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Jack asks.

Rogue I link. Jack turns his head to see her. He steps forward but she takes a step back.

Stop I tell him.

"Luna. With all due respect, she is a rogue" he starts. A rogue she may be. But there is something that's intriguing about her.

She's not in wolf form, she's not running. It's as if she's asking to die. I shift into human form and crouch down in front of her.

"Hi" I say softly "I'm the queen of wolves. My name is Becca" I introduce. I step forward and look her in the eyes.

"What's you name?" I ask. She looks at me, scared.

"Not going to talk?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"OK. You don't have to. Are you running from someone?" I ask. She nods. I touch her hand and help her stand.

"Why don't you come into the pack?" I ask. She looks at me scared.

"They won't hurt you. I grant you permission as the queen and Luna to enter pack territory" I say. She nods and walks towards me.

I shift into my wolf and Jack lifts her onto my back. She doesn't look too strong. She could faint at any moment.

Tell Dazgimir to carry on and i will explain to him later I tell Jack.

Yes luna he replies.

I carry the rogue back to the pack house. Once I get there, I carry her in and everyone stops what they are doing and look at me.

The rogue gets off of my back on shaky legs. I shift into human form and put the t-shirt on that one of the pack members gave me. I thank them and turn towards the rogue.

"Dexton will show you to a room to clean up in. He will get some clothes for you. Once you are done he will show you to my office where we will speak" I smile and nod to Dexton who immediately steps forward and shows the rogue to a room.

I sigh and walk further into the house. I walk past the kitchen and see someone on the floor. I stop and take a few steps back to look at what it was.

There, I saw one of the teenagers, Lidia, sitting on a counter in her heels with her legs crossed. She was on her phone.

On the floor was a girl the same age. She only just shifted and joined the pack house. I haven't had a chance to get to know her name yet. She's an omega, a runt. But we treat everyone the same no matter what.

"Lidia" I say smoothly. She looks up and smiles.

"Hello, Luna" she says with a smile.

"What are you doing, Lidia?" I ask.

"Oh just making sure, Kat here is doing her job" Lidia says sweetly.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Definitely, Luna. She's been doing a terrible job and I thought I'd help by watching her. Just to make sure she doesn't miss anything" Lidia smiles sweetly as if she thinks I'll fall for it.

"I'm not stupid" I smile. "Lidia your grounded"

"What?" She laughs in disbelief.

"You lied to me. Your Luna" I say.

"No, I didn't. Plus, this runt should've been doing this anyway. Runts should do more than us normal wolves" Lidia scoffs.

"MY OFFICE. NOW" I bark, using my alpha voice. She shakes and runs to my office to wait for me. I help Kat up and smile at her.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with Lidia. Why don't you go up to your room for the day. Relax" I smile. Kat thanks me and walks off to her room. Today has been utter chaos.

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