Chapter 11

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^^Bella's Motorbike^^

A knock is sounded at the door at exactly 7PM. I walk to get the door.

"Becca" The Moon Goddess greets me. I smile and nod my head. She hugs me tightly and I hug her too.

"I'm so proud of you" she whispers in my ear.

I'm wearing a short dark purple dress with my purple heels. The dress stops mid-thigh.

"Thank you" I smile. Just as she walks in, my father walks down the stairs. He stops at the bottom, staring at my mother.

"Lauren?" He whispers, confused. I didn't tell him she was coming. I wanted her to see him for who he really was.

"Andrew" she greets with a nod.

"How are you?" He asks quickly.

"As good as ever. I can see you have been enjoying the pain of my children. And your own" she says as if she says it everyday.

"Um, I, uh" he says, not knowing how to reply.

"Well, go get changed. I would love to meet your wife. But not if you aren't decent" she smiles.

He walks upstairs and I walk with her into the living room where everyone is waiting. I clear my throat and everyone looks at me. They all stand up and bow or curtsie at The Moon Goddess.

"Moon Goddess" Bella says. Like she did with me, mother pulls Bella into a hug.

"Call me, mother or mum girls. After all, I am your rightful mother" she explains. The others stare at us in shock.

"Mother," I introduce "these are our siblings" the triplets introduce themselves and so do the boys. They are all so sweet.

"This is Ryder" Bella says. They shake hands and mother seems happy to meet him.

"This is Daz" I say.

"Dazgimir" she smiles. "What a lovely mate you have. I'm glad you got paired together. Oh wait, I paired you" she jokes. We all laugh at the joke. It's not forced.

A few minutes later, we all sit down at the dinner table. Mother sits at the head of the table. My father and my 'mother' sit at the other end.

"So, have you completed the mating bond?" The Moon Goddess asks casually. Me and Bella choke on our drinks whilst everyone else laughs.

"Manners" she says through laughter. I feel my cheeks burn and look away.

"Have you?" She asks once everyone calms down.

"No" I say.

"We were actually going to do it tonight" Bella blushes at the confession.

"Congratulations" she says to them. Ryder smiles sheepishly.

We ate our food with the occasional comment and comfortable conversation. After we finished the desert, the Moon Goddess picked up her glass and gently tapped it with her fork. We all settled down and looked at her.

"I have an announcement to make" she clears her throat and smiles.

"In three weeks I will be announcing Becca as the rightful queen of the wolves" I stare at her, shocked.

"You can't do that" my father stands and shouts. "I am the king and I will choose who takes my position as ruler of the wolves"

"Let me remind you Andrew, I am the one who made you king" she says calmly.

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