Chapter 18

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It's a week after our birthday, things have been running smoothly, thankfully.

"Any news?" Daz asks.

"No" I say. But, at that moment, I get a link from Callum. My main warrior and Delta.

Queen. We have a problem...
What is it? I command through the pack link.

A rogue has come to the border line. Asking to speak to you and the king Callum tells me.

We are on the way. Keep an eye on him.

"We have to go" I tell Daz. Daz nods, understanding the situation.

We run out the house and shift in the woods. We run through the woods and stop next to Callum. I shift into human form, I'm naked but I'm confident so I don't care.

"What do you want, rogue?" I ask. The rogue shifts to human form.

"I want revenge. You took everything from me. I was a Delta of a strong pack. Now, I'm nothing" he spits. Daz shifts and stands in front of me.

"You chose to leave. You could've been in this pack. We would've let you be the second highest warrior" Daz says.

"I was a Delta. Being downgraded would change everything for me" the rogue snarls.

"Enough" I bark. "You had a choice and this is what you chose" I tell him.

"Why don't we make a bet? Hm? A street race? You have one coming up so why not practice? If I win I get to rule your pack. You become rogues" He spits.

"I don't make bets, Daniel. You should know that" I say.

"Why not? Hm? Is it because of something in your past? Something you have never told anyone?" He asks threateningly.

"No, I have nothing to hide" I say.

"Then why don't you tell us, oh so precious queen, why you don't make deals?" He taunts.

"You see, bad things come from deals. They come back and ruin your life. It's better to stay away from them before anything can happen" I say truthfully.

"Oh really?" He asks.

"Yes" I say.

"You mean like making a deal to have your brother as your Delta?" He asks.

"That was not a deal, but simply a decision of mine" I say. "Now leave and do no harm. Before we do harm to you for not leaving" he turns on his heels and leaves. He shifts into wolf form as we do the same.

Once back at the castle, I make my way to my office. I gather everyone for a meeting. The wolves on extra patrol around the perimeter as a precaution.

Daz sits behind the desk with me standing behind him, my hand on his shoulder for comfort. Ryder, Becca, Callum and Jack sit in front of us.

"What will we do?" Becca asks.

"Callum, Jack, I want extra patrols. When changing people there must be no gap. One person will stay there until the other comes, only then can they go home" Daz says.

"Yes king" they say and go out of the room to discuss some more patrols and new rules, more strict in order of precaution.

"Ryder, Becca, I want you to make sure all house holds know the plan of action and are aware of the precautions. All men and women must fight. Children have to be in the bunker underground. Any child under the age of fifteen must have an adult with them. Pregnant women will not fight if it comes to it" I say.

They nod and walk out of the room to
organize a plan to go forward with.

"I want the pack members trained. We will split them up. One day will be half the pack. The next day will be the next. That way they have a day to rest between because we will have a very tight schedule" I announce.

"Good idea. I will mind link Ryder and Callum to work together with it" Daz says.

"King, Queen" Callum and Jack bow as they enter. They stand and close the door behind themselves before walking towards the desk.

"Here are the plans for the patrol. We wanted to make sure they were up to standard before telling the warriors" Callum announces. We look over the plans. We make a few changes before letting then leave to tell all warriors.

Next, Ryder and Becca come in with the list of people for the two groups.

"On the first day we will have the weaker ones. The ones with less training and who are not as strong. That way they will be started sooner and having maybe slightly more training" Ryder says.

"The second day are the more advanced ones which we can train and improve" Becca adds.

"Deal. But half of the warriors will be in one group the other in the other group. In that case if the rogues attack we have some warriors ready as well as the people we are training" I say.

"Of course" Becca bows her head in respect.

"Training starts at 7 am sharp" I announce.

They nod and make their ways to do their duties. We get the people from the pack house gathered in the entryway.

We stand at the top of the stairs with everyone looking at us. Daz has his arm around my waist tightly.

"Quiet" Daz booms.

"We have an announcement" I say.

"As of today we have decided to do training for any future precautions" I announce.

"If your name is called out please go straight to your room and stay there until further notice" Daz says. I call out about twenty names before they all go upstairs to their rooms.

"The next names which are called out will be training with us tomorrow morning" again, we call out the names and they nod.

"The rest will be the day after them" I say.

"Breakfast is at 6 am. Training will start at 7 am. Be prepared for anything we throw at you" Daz announces. They all scatter to go to bed for the morning of what brings them.

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