Chapter 22

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So, after that we made our way to the bedroom.

I changed into some jeans and a tidy plain blue t-shirt with a black jacket and trainers. Once I was ready, I put my crown away in the glass container it belongs in and we make our way to the village.

We walk past the park, through the town until we stop in front of Lidia's parents' house.

I walk up the stairs with Daz by my side. Daz knocks on the door and we wait until the door finally opens to Frank, Lidia's father.

"Oh, Queen. King" he bows his head in submission.

"Hello Frank" Daz greets.

"What may I do the pleasure in your visit?" He asks.

"We are here to talk about your daughter. Lidia" I tell him.

"Is there something wrong with her?" He asks frantically.

"She is in perfect health. But, we need to talk. May we come in?" I ask.

"Of course" he moves aside and we walk into their home.

"Susan the King and Queen are here" Frank shouts.

Sue pops her head around the corner and nods in acknowledgment. She pops back in a second later and curtseys.

"My Queen. My King" she stands to her full height and looks at us.

"We have a matter to discuss. Shall we sit?" I ask. They nod and we make our way to the living room. They sit on one settee as we sit on the other.

"What is it you wanted to tell us?" Frank asks.

"Your daughter, Lidia, has broken some rules. We do not tolerate this" Daz says.

"What rules has she broken?" Sue asks.

"The first rule was that she was treating other wolves as if she is superior" I announce.

"Oh Goddess" Sue breathes.

"She was caught by myself today. She has received extra chores during the days she is not training" I say.

"What else was it that she broke?" Sue asks.

"She lied to the Queen.  To her face and said that the wolf she was treating poorly was merely an omega. She knows we do not treat other wolves differently no matter what" Daz announces.

"How could she?" She gasps.

"I don't know but she has received three weeks grounding" Daz announces.

"We agree completely" Frank nods.

"Good. But, we came here to warn you. If she breaks another rule she will be sent to another pack one month after her sixteenth birthday. Three warnings and she will know she is not suitable for part of our royal pack. We have warned her" Daz tells them.

"Yes your heighnesses" they say. We nod and stand to leave.

"Please make sure your daughter is in check. We would hate to banish her to another pack. She is a lovely girl" I say. They bow their heads and we leave to go back to the pack house.

"Your amazing" Daz says as he pulls me into his side.

"Amazing? How can I be amazing if I nearly have to banish one of our pack members?" I ask.

"It's not your fault" Daz says.

"But what if it is?" I ask him. He stops and stands in front of me.

"It's not your fault, Becca. She's the least of our worries right now. We have rogues wanting to attack, a mute wolf under our protection. We have to deal with this step by step" Daz tells me.

"How?" I ask.

"First we have placed a tighter security, our training has heightened. The procedures have been introduced so people know where to go if the time comes" Daz says. I nod my head in approval. He's right.

"Next, we must sort the rogue out. We must talk to Dexton" he adds.

"Your right. We should have a meeting with him as soon as possible" I say.

"Once that is done we should get her settled and find out what else she knows about the rogues. We can help sort it out that way. We will have the upper hand" Daz says as we walk.

"Once that is done we just need to keep an eye out for the rogues without letting the pack get too agitated" I tell him.

"Exactly" Daz smiles.

"Ok" I say "we should get started"

"I've mind linked Dexton to come to our office to talk" Daz tells me.

"Alright" I sigh. We walk hand in hand back to our office.

We walk in and sit down behind the desk. Daz sits on the chair and I sit on his lap. My head on his shoulder as he holds me. I feel so relaxed and safe in his arms.

"Your tired" Daz observes.

"I'm fine" I tell him.

"That means your not fine" he laughs. Before I can reply, a knock is sounded at the door.

"Come in" Daz shouts. I cuddle further into Daz's chest as his arms tighten around me.

"King, Queen" Dexton bows in respect and submission. I look up to see Dexton in front of us.

"Dexton" Daz acknowledges.

"Is there a matter? I was asked to see you" Dexton says.

"Dexton. Please, sit" I say. Dexton sits in a chair in front of our desk. I move so I'm sitting in my chair next to Daz's.

"The rogue, Bailey" Daz starts.

"What about her?" Dexton asks.

"Your mates with her. Aren't you?" I ask softly.

"Yes. She's my mate. I want to be patient with her. She's been through a lot" he tells us.

"We want you to look after her. Make sure she is being treated fairly and we want a daily update on how she's doing. We need to speak to her next week, once she is settled in a bit more and more comfortable" Daz tells Dexton. He agrees and we carry on with some work for the pack.

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