Chapter 20

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Today has been utter chaos.

First, I found a rogue. Then, Lidia is bullying one of the she-wolves. I sigh and mid link Dexton to wait and to bring the rogue to me when I tell him too.

I'm going to talk to Lidia first. I quickly change into my black and blue dress. It has a black corset top, dark blue long skirt and I'm wearing black heals. I put my hair up in a bun and place my crown on top.

I gracefully walk to my office and open the door to see Lidia waiting. She looks at me and stands up as I close the door behind myself. I walk to my chair. I sit down and nod my head for her to copy my actions.

"Lidia. Let's get something straight. We treat you all equally. We don't tolerate violence or bullying" I tell her.

"Yes, my queen" she says.

"We have a system. There are five packs runned by me and Dazgimir. But, they have an Alpha as we have this pack to focus on. The adults in this pack work for us. They have many roles. The children have to prove to us that you are worthy of one of those roles. If not, then at the age of sixteen you will be sent to another pack to find your mate and live your life. You know this already, yes?" I ask.

"Of course, Luna" Lidia nods.

"Then, don't dissapoint me. You are fifteen. When you turn sixteen you have a month to prove that you are worthy of being a member of the royal guard or staff. If not, then you will be gone. To another pack" I say. "These stunts you pulled today are not doing you a favor" Lidia nods.

"Three weeks grounding" I announce and write it down. I have a chart where I put their name in and how long they are grounded for. Or punished for and next to it is a tally of the days. That way I won't loose track.

"Dismissed" I say and hang the paper back on the wall. Lidia walks out of the room and straight to her room.

You may bring the rogue to my office now I mind linked Dexton

On the way, Queen Dexton replies.

I sigh and get up. I walk around the room. Thinking about this whole thing.

Becca?Daz mind links.

Yes, baby? I ask

I can feel you stressing through the link. What's wrong? He asks.

Don't worry about it. Keep training the wolves. I'll tell you later, I promise. I tell him.

Ok. Be careful. I love you he says

I love you more I reply.

Just as I say it, the door is knocked. I sigh and sit back down behind my desk.

"Come in" I say. A guard opens the door and Dexton walks in with the rogue behind him.

"Ah, Dexton" I smile. He bows his head and the rogue hasn't even looked up at me.

"I have brought the rogue, Luna" he says.

"Thank you" I smile. "You can stay if you wish" he nods slowly with a growing smile. They sit in front of my desk.

"Now, my dear" I begin. "My name is Becca Jones. I'm the Queen of wolves" she nods her head.

"What's your name?" I ask. She looks me in the eyes with no emotion.

"Do you speak?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Your mute?" I ask, she nods again.

"Well, that makes more sense now" I smile. I take a pen and pad of paper.

"Here. Write on this" I pass it to her. Dexton looks at her and back at me.

"Ok. Well, let's start again shall we?" I ask. Before I say anything, my office door opens and a sweaty Daz walks in.

The rogue looks up in fear and gets out of the chair. She goes to run away but Dexton grabs her. She riggles out of his grasp and curls into a ball in the corner.

"Who's that?" Daz asks. He steps towards her but she shrinks back even further. Daz stops and looks at her.

"Stop" I say and stand up. Daz turns around and looks at me.

"Well, my queen. Don't you look just ravishing in that dress?" Daz smirks. I giggle and walk up to them. I kiss Daz's cheek and turn towards the rogue.

"Boys. Can you give us some privacy please?" I ask. They nod and walk out of the room. I crouch down and look at the rogue.

"Hey. It's ok" I don't make a move to touch her. I give her the pen and paper. She shakily takes it and looks up at me.

"Come sit with me" I say. I sit on the settee and she comes to sit next to me.

"What's your name?" I ask simply.


"How old are you?"


"How long have you been a rogue?"

Thirteen years.

"You were 5?


"Why were you on my territory?" I ask.

I was running

"From who? Or what?"


"Then who?"

A rogue. Franz

"The rogue king?"


"Why?" I ask. She looks down but doesn't answer. From the reactions she was giving I can guess why.

"I'll tell you what. If I tell you something about my past. Do you think you can tell me why you were running?" I ask. She looks up at me and waits...

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