Chapter 2

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^^^Bella Jones^^^

I woke up like I do every morning. At 6:30am. Once I'm awake I shower, do the necessities and dry my hair. Then, I brush it again and change into my black jeans and white 'off you fuck' t-shirt which is on my breasts so it looks like the guys in school are looking at my breasts when they aren't.

Once I've done that, I put on a little bit of mascara and concealer. Once I'm done I leave my room with my books and wake everyone up.

Bella wakes up easily. I walk downstairs with my books and put them in my school bag. Then, I go to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Me and Bella take it in turns to do the cooking in the mornings because our chef isn't here. Bella made everyone's lunch yesterday and put them in the fridge.

I set the table, I put freshly cut strawberries, lemons, blueberries, sugar, maple syrup and chocolate spread in the middle.

After that, I put the plates and dishes out on the table. Once I finished that I put their lunch in front of their plates for them. I made the pancakes and took the stack into the dining room. By the time I was serving them, everyone was waiting for me to serve breakfast.

"Good morning" I say with a smile. Everyone looks all smart.

It's our first day back to school after the summer holidays. They all say a chorus of hellos and we start to eat. Once we're done, I start my annual speech.

"You know the rules. No showing your royal, I don't care if they ask, we don't want our identity to be let out. Only limited in the school know and they are there to protect us. Try your best in all activities. Don't misbehave" I say "don't tell anyone our identities. Especially mine, as I have many. Try your best, and have fun" I smile at the end.

"You know we take it in turns, so for today we will take our cars. Of course, only one of you will go in Becca's car" Bella announces. "Astrid, Arabella, Aaliyah and Sam are in my car. Callum your in Becca's" once she's finished, we wash our dishes and get our school bags.

We put our lunch in our bags and walk out to the garage. Everyone gets into Bella's car and we wave goodbye before getting into my car.

Like always, I speed down the roads to school. It doesn't take long to get there. At the traffic lights before school, I pull up next to Bella. She's so slow! I laugh with Callum and rev my engine.

Bella looks at me and smiles. Once the light turns green, I speed down the road. I park in my usual spot, revving my engine to make a scene. I turn off my car and get out. Bella pulls up next to me and they all get out before locking it.

Once our cars are locked, we leave the others to collect their stuff and see our friends whilst we go to the college part.

Once we're there, we go to our lockers we have every year and take out our new timetables to look at them. I put my books in the locker and take the new ones out.

Once I turn around, I see Bella hugging her Mate, Ryder. He's the beta of the alpha-to-be, Daz. I look to see him standing behind Ryder and Bella. Our eyes connect and his eyes darken slightly. He walks towards me and backs me up on the lockers.

"Hello" he says.

"Hey" I swallow the lump in my throat. He's so amazing. He has brown hair, slightly tanned skin. He's beautiful. I love it. He's fit too. Bonus!

I feel this pull towards him and he presses his body against mine. He buries his head in my neck and breathes in deeply.

"Mate" he growls. A shiver goes through me when he says it.

'Mate' Rose says. Rose is my wolf

I move closer and whisper in his ear

"Mate" I reply. He moves back and looks deeply into my eyes. The bell rings and he steps back with a smile.

"First lesson?" Ryder asks.

"In the hall" I reply. We all smile and walk towards the hall. Me, Daz, Ryder,  the other valedictorians and the current alpha and luna are all on the stage.

"Welcome" the alpha says into the microphone to the whole school.

"I'm glad to say welcome to the new pupils to school. It's a new year and a new start. I'm proud to say good luck. On stage we have the many Valedictorians of past years. The last 3 valedictorians" he itroducces. We get up and walk towards the microphone. We agreed that I would speak.

"Welcome to Aransyd High. It's an amazing place with multiple opportunities for the future. This school shows passion, love and encouragement. We are a werewolf school. There are many of us, pack memebers, rogues, shifters, non-shifters, and many more. We are all unique in our own way. So students of Aransyd High, remember, no matter what, we will stick together" a round of applause goes around, we bow and sit back down.
The first week of school flies by. The same as every year. Me and Bella sit with Ryder and his friends and our friends on our usual table at lunch just talking.

Once school is over on Friday, I walk out of school and wait for Sam by the car. Whilst I'm waiting, Daz comes up to me.

"Hey" he says
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Sorry for the short chapter guys x

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