Chapter 9

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^^Becca's race bike^^


"My parents" I say.

Before Daz can reply, Bella wakes up in shock. She sits up quickly and covers her face in defence. This happens every time. She hallucinates and there's only one way to stop it.

"Bella" Ryder says softly.

Bella backs away from him in fear and whimpers. I rip all the cables and tubes from my arms and start to get out of bed.

"Becca, no." Daz says.

I glare at him and get out of bed anyway. I let my vision go back to normal and run to Bella's bed where Ryder is trying to help her. I push him back and climb on the bed next to Bella.

"Bella" I say softly. She looks at me with pure fear in her eyes. A look I know all to well.

"What's happening?" Ryder asks.

"Mum and Dad beat us again, Bella. We screamed for help and the kids came to help. Remember?" I ask.

Everything flashes through her mind and she gasps at the memory. Instantly, she grabs me and checks me over.

"Are you ok?" She asks urgently.

"I'm fine" I sigh. "We're in the infirmary"

"They saw us?" She asks. I only nod a reply.

Ryder and Daz are standing next to the bed looking at us. I ignore them whilst Bella takes off her hospital gown to see her injuries. A few stitches on her side and some bruises but it's ok. She looks at me and I do the same.

I take off my hospital gown to look at my injuries. I have a stitch across my stomach and my side. A few on my arms. My body is mainly covered in bruises.

I hear a soft gasp from behind me and feel warm arms wrap around my body.

"Your worse than me" Bella observes. "I'm sorry"

"I brought it on myself. I screamed, not you. I got their attetion" I said.

"I wish I could be stronger, like you. Know more self defence" Bella said glumly.

"No you don't, if you did then you'd be chained up in silver like me. You don't want that" I explained.

She avoided eye contact and sighed. After a few minutes of silence, the question is asked.

"Why did your parents do it?" Daz asks.

"I came home from dance practice. I didn't expect my parents to be home. I had no warning. When I got home my dad demanded for me to get changed and go downstairs. I didn't. I got changed but stayed in my room. He came to my room and took me to the basement. He put me in pure silver chains, he always does" I explain.

"I knew something was going on" Bella says "I tried to go after her but I ran into my mum. She looked at me and dragged me towards the basement. She threw me down the stairs"

"They don't chain Bella because she doesn't fight and isn't as strong as me. I always try fighting back so they started to chain me up so I physically couldn't" I sigh. "It's all my fault"

"It's not your fault" Bella says.

"They aren't going to get away with this" Ryder says.

"They already have" me and Bella mumble at the same time. Daz hugs me tightly and whispers sweet nothings in my ear.

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