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10 years later
We had our pup. Her name is Shannon and her twin is called Sheldon. One boy and one girl. Twins. They are the cutest. The perfect Alpha. We will figure out who in time.

They shifted for the first time the other night and they have been little rascals ever since.

I hear snarling and howling, then I see two wolf pups run past me.

"Twins. Here. Now" I snarls. They stop where they were and look at me innocently.

"In the office" I say. They are not supposed to be fighting or going around in wolf form in the pack house.

We live in a separate house near the pack house now but our offices are still here so when we are working they are over here with us.

They walk into my office and I walk in after them, closing the door.

"Shift" I say and place clothes on the floor. They both shift and get changed.

"What have I told you two?" I ask.

"Not to be in wolf form in the pack house" they mope.

"That's right" I cross my arms.

"I'm sorry mama" Sheldon says and hugs me around the legs.

"Me too" Shannon says. I smile and hug them back.

"My pups taking my mate?" Daz asks from the door.

"Daddy, daddy. Can you tell us about mates?" Sheldon asks.

"Ye. I want to know about mates. You always say we're too young" Shannon adds.

"Ok, ok" Daz laughs. We sit on the settee with the twins on our laps. Shannon on mine and Sheldon on Daz's.

"Wolves are created by a women called the Moon Goddess. She protects us. But she can't always protect us because she's got the other wolves around the world to protect too"

"The Moon Goddess makes sure that every wolf has a mate. Two souls that fit together. Sometimes, this is not the case and they will reject each other. If they are good enough they will get a second chance mate who will love and cherish them forever" I say.

"When you find your mate its the best thing you will ever do. They make you a better person. They love you" Daz says and looks at me with a loving smile.

"I want a mate" Shannon says and jumps off my lap.

"You don't find them until your sixteen" I tell them.

"Aww. But I want one now" she whines.

"In time" I say.

"Ok" she says.

"Come on Shannon. Let's go play" Sheldon says and drags them out of the room.

"I love you" Daz says.

"In love you too" I say. I kiss his lips and Daz turns his head to deepen the kiss. He picks me up and lays me down on the settee, hovering over me.

"Why don't we make more pups?" He whispers in my ear.

"Maybe we should" I smile. Daz does too and gets up to lock the door.

A week later, I take a pregnancy test and it's negative. I guess it was worth a try. I told Daz but he said that we can try again.

Today is the start of my heat. I scream in pain because Daz is not here. He has gone to the office to work.

"What's wrong?" Bella rushes in. She goes to touch my arm but it makes it worse.

"Mummy?" Shannon asks from the door.

"Bella take the kids to yours for a week" I pant out.

"Of course. I'll get Daz to come immediately" she says and takes the kids. I thrash around in pain. A few minutes later, Daz rushes in through the doors.

"Becca" he breathes. He takes a deep breath and smells my obvious heat.

"Help me" I pant.

"My pleasure" he says and rips my clothes off. The way I stay for a week. In pure pleasure.


Once I'm off of heat a week later I take a pregnancy test and it shows up positive.

"Daz" I say as I walk into the office.

"Yes?" He asks and look up from his desk.

"I'm pregnant" I smile.

"Really?" He asks hopefully. I show him the test and he smiles wider. He picks me up and spins me around. He kisses me before putting me back on the ground.

"We need to tell the kids" he says.

"Let's wait until I know for sure that it's gonna happen" I say.

"Alright" he says.

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