Chapter 8

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^^^Daz Carmel^^^

The darkness takes over me.

I don't know how long I was asleep for. Not long I hope. I let my eyes adjust to the light, I look to my right and see Callum next to me.

"Callum?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He says softly.

"Did you phone them?" I ask.

"Yeah, they're on the way" he replies. "Who did this to you?"

"I can't tell you without Bella" I say.

"Will you tell us afterwards?" He asks. I don't say anything but simply nod my head. I close my eyes and doze off back to sleep.

Daz's POV

I walked into my dad's office. He wanted to speak to me.

"Daz" my father says when I walk in. He sits in his chair behind his desk and I sit in mine.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I ask.

"Yes, well I was wondering if you've met your mate yet" he asks.

"Well-" I begin.

"If you haven't then I think you should concider being with Andrea, we need a luna. Without a luna you can't become Alpha" he explains. I stand up in anger.

"Andrea!?" I shout.

"Yes son" my father says in complete relaxation.

"I've met my mate" I say. He looks at me in shock.

"Who?" He asks. Before I can reply, the phone rings. I pick it up for him as he's still looking at me in complete shock.

"Hello?" I ask. "Who is this?"

"It's Callum" the other boy says.

"Who?" I ask.

"The prince" he replies. I curse under my breath and clear my throat.

"What can I do the pleasure, Prince?" I ask formally.

"Somethings happened to Becca and Bella. I need you to come to our house immediately" Callum explains.

"I'm on the way" I say, I hung up the phone.

"Your going to the Royal's house?" My father asks.

"Yes" I say.

"No one ever goes to the royals house" he states.

"My mate is in danger, she's a royal. I have to be with her" I tell him.

"Of course" he replies.

I nod my head and run out the door. I run to Ryder's room. I don't bother to knock.

"Ryder, let's go. Bella and Becca are hurt, we need to go now" I say quickly.

Ryder jumps up at the mention of Bella's name. We run down the stairs and straight to the garage.

We grab our helmets and jump on our bikes. We drive the bikes to their house. We park out the front and run up the steps.

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