Hoseok Out

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"I keep telling you I didn't cry!" Yoongi said, frustrated.

Seokjin looked over at you and mouthed, He cried.

You couldn't help but grin at Yoongi as he reached over and put the piece of fried chicken in his mouth, clearly frustrated by the members' teasing. Everyone, even his fans know that despite his "cold and uncaring" image, he truly loves each and every one of the members.

"Hoseok was so nervous," Namjoon said, chuckling. "I walked into my studio and saw him sitting there. I thought something was wrong, you know?"

Everyone turned their attention to him. Hoseok was out late meeting with one of his friends who had come up to visit him. You got lonely so you decided to drive over to the house where the members were staying at when they're busy with comeback and preparations for concerts overseas.

Namjoon laughed, shaking his head. "He told me about how he wanted to propose to you. It was out of the blue to me and I'm sure to you and even the members too. He said he has been thinking about it ever since last year."

You didn't know this. You hardly had time to talk to Hoseok about it.

"He was so nervous about telling the members," Namjoon smiled. "He told me because we're the same age. Hoseok is close with everyone, but he wanted to talk to me first. He was a little worried about how I would react, being the leader and all."

"I thought he was leaving," Yoongi said, shaking his head. "He was so pale, even more than me. I was so worried about him."

You smiled at that.

"What a relief," Jungkook said. "I thought he was planning on marrying you and leaving the group."

You laughed. Everyone did.

"Why would you think that?" Seokjin punched him in the arm playfully. "As if Hoseok will ever leave!"

"He loves us too much," Taehyung said cheekily.

"No, no, he cares and worries about us too much," Jimin said, reaching for his glass of wine. "I don't know what I will do if he leaves, honestly."

"The important thing is that he's not leaving," Yoongi stated. You saw how relieved he was.

Hoseok loves them all too much to do that. You know they are so close he considers each and every one of them like his brothers. 

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