Telling the members

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Hoseok sat down, trying to find the right words to tell the members. He watched as they helped one another out with the dance moves. Usually, he would be the one helping them, or watching and supporting them. Either way, he was usually close by.

Hoseok smiled watching Jimin and Taehyung explain the moves to Namjoon with Yoongi watching them. Jungkook was teaching Seokjin a different part to the song. They had come a long way. 

As Hoseok sat there, Hoseok reminisce the times when they would all complain about the dance moves but as the time passes, everyone improved and no longer complain... at least not as much as they used anyways.

"Hyung, is this right?" Jimin asked with a frown on his face.

Hoseok nodded. "You're doing great."


"I'm leaving the group."

All eyes came to Hoseok and everyone froze. They had just spent the past ten minutes talking about when they will be doing their stage overseas since it was cancelled... as well as the concerts that were coming up too.

"What?" Namjoon whispered.

"I heard it wrong, right?" Jimin said with a nervous laugh.

Hoseok sighed and looked at each and every one of the member he had come to love more than himself. "I'm leaving the group. I've talked about it with the company and came to an agreement."

"Why didn't you talk to us about it?" Seokjin demanded. He was hurt.

Hoseok shook his head. "I wanted to tell you guys after everything was done. I just told Y/N a few days ago."

"What did she say?" Yoongi asked immediately. He knew that the only one who can convince Hoseok to change his mind was you.

"She and I fought about it," Hoseok ran a hand through his hair and looked at them in the eyes.

"Is this about what happened that night?" Taehyung asked in a small voice. "You don't trust us anymore?"

"No!" Hoseok rested a hand on Taehyung's shoulder in a comforting manner. "I've decided months prior to proposing to Y/N. I was going to tell you guys when I mentioned proposing but it slipped out of my mind."

No one said anything.

"I'm serious here," Hoseok said. "It had nothing to do with Y/N's situation. Ever since meeting her, I knew I wanted to perform with you guys until we can't do it anymore."

"But?" Jimin looked up. "What changed?"

"I want to be a good husband to her and a good father to my future kids," Hoseok said honestly. "I don't want to be halfway across the world and leave them all behind. I want to spend every moment I can with her, and I can't do that if I'm J-Hope."

When no one said anything, Hoseok sighed. "Ever since almost losing her... I want to live my life just being Hoseok. I—you all know how hard it was for me during the old days before I met Y/N. It's hard... always trying to be positive and happy."

Yoongi nodded but said nothing.

"So, you're just going to...disappear from the public?" Seokjin looked over at Hoseok.

"I can't be the real me if I'm J-Hope," Hoseok said. "I'm thankful to the fans who loved me and supported the seven of us...but it's time I do something for myself."

Hoseok looked around and saw that the members were either avoiding eye contact or just looking down and away from him.

"Please understand why I'm doing this..." he said quietly. 

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