Leaving the house

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"All this sneaking around just because I can't lie," you blew out a sigh as you carried the many grocery bags. You were still a little sick, but you couldn't just ignore the fact that both you and J-Hope will miss the 1000th day because he was flying overseas. You wanted to celebrate it, even if it's a week early.

Your phone rang out and you checked and saw that it was Namjoon. "Namjoon."

"Hoseok is feeling a little too anxious," Namjoon said and you heard the members laughing in the background. "We got him to go outside to breathe in some fresh air and decided to ring you to assure him that you're actually okay."

You opened the car and put the shopping bags into the back of the car. You had to drive thirty minutes to get the cake that Hoseok loves more than anything.

"I'm good," you said with a laugh as you turned the phone on loudspeaker and started the car. You drove out of there.

"Hoseok will be surprised," Jimin said. "But I think he'll like it."

"He better," you retorted. "I went through the effort despite being sick and all."

You heard laughter just as your saw headlights coming right at you. Your eyes widened and a scream left you without you even realising it. Before you could think, you steered the wheel away from the car but it didn't do much. 

You felt like you couldn't move and tears rolled down your face as you finally came to realise what had happened. You felt pain everywhere, making you wonder what you had broken.

You couldn't hear properly but you heard Namjoon and the members yelling over the phone. The phone was on the floor and your hands shook as you reached for the phone. You touched your head and felt something sticky and after looking at it, you knew it was blood.

Your ears were ringing and your vision blurred and you tried to concentrate on what was happening around you. The only thing on your mind was Hoseok. Hoseok.

"Y/N!" Namjoon yelled.

"What happened?" Jimin shouted.

Your hands shook even more as you feel pain everywhere.

"Don't—tell Hoseok," you rasped out, feeling pain from speaking. "Please..."

"What? What happened? Are you okay?"

You lifted your head weakly around your area, squinting as your vision started to blur in together. 

"Hoseok—been planning this night for months," you struggled to speak and hoped they understood what you were saying. Your ribs were hurting. It hurt to speak and to even breathe. "Don't tell him, p-p-please."

You weren't sure if Namjoon and the members understood you because you had already passed out cold. 

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