Cooking for Y/N

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After the members left to go do other things, you made your way towards Hoseok's room. You were hoping to stay up late waiting for him since you know he's going to be late. It didn't feel right to sleep without him too.

Before you knew it, you had passed out and it was morning. Unsure if Hoseok came back or not, you showered, changed out of your clothes before making your way towards the kitchen.

Man, the house was so big even you got lost a few times. Most of the time this place is empty since the members are always at their own places. No one uses this place as well.

You smelt something delicious and totally forgot about looking for Hoseok. You just made your way towards the kitchen and there he was. Hoseok was in an apron, cooking breakfast.

Your eyes travelled around the area and you saw that he was the only one in the kitchen. The members are probably still asleep or busy with other things.

"You're awake," Hoseok said with that bright smile on before he turned his attention to cooking again.

"What time did you get back?" you asked, walking towards him.


"So why are you up early?"

"You kicked me off the bed again."

You froze, thinking he was serious. You did have a habit of kicking Hoseok now and then when you two share the same bed. He always teases you about it and you do try to not move as much while you're sleeping. 

As you were attempting to calculate whether or not you kicked him off the bed, you knew he was just messing with you when you saw a smile curled on his lips.

You scoffed, shaking your head at him.

Hoseok chuckled and you sat on one of the stools, opposite to Hoseok. He glanced at you, "Did you sleep alright?"

"Would have been good if I was awake when you got back. Did you have fun?"

"Would have been good if you were there with me," Hoseok said.

You made a face at that.

Hoseok laughed lightly. "I'm almost done. Wait five minutes."

You nodded. You'd wait for him even if it's forever. 

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