Letting him go

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After a few days have passed, the members pretend not to know about Hoseok's situation. They were all in denial.

Finally, Jimin broke the silence one afternoon when Hoseok was out after their dance practice.

"What are everyone's thoughts about it?"

The members stayed silent. They knew what Jimin was talking about, but even they weren't sure about it too.

Yoongi spoke, "Well it's just that—" he sighed. "You know... it will be different without him. I saw it coming though."

"I did too," Seokjin said, nodding. "I saw it ages ago. Hoseok wasn't lying when he said it didn't involve Y/N's situation."

Namjoon looked down at his feet. "I heard Hoseok and Bang PD talking about it. They stopped when I walked into the room."

"What did you hear?" Yoongi asked.

"Just something about whether Hoseok was sure or not and whether the rest of us will be able to cope with it," Namjoon said, looking at Yoongi. "I didn't think much of it."

Taehyung spoke up, "It'll hurt us... but at least he's happy, right?"

What he said was true. It will hurt the members and even the fans too. The fans will never know the full story, but the members do. They do and they understand why this happened. Hoseok have always been hurting alone while tending to the members, doing his best for the fans and for the members.

"I don't know anymore," Jimin said in a small voice. "I don't..."

All eyes went to him. They knew how close he and Hoseok were.

Jungkook sighed loudly. "Ah, why does he have to do this?" They knew Jungkook must be frustrated and hurt by it... maybe more than they are. He just... doesn't understand it.

"I know that I'll support him through it all..." Seokjin looked at each and every one of the members in the eyes. "He's my friend."

That says it all. Hoseok wasn't just a person they worked with... no, he was much more than that.

Namjoon agreed. "I support him too. It'll be hard at first... but I want him to be happy." His eyes went to the members who he knows are feeling hurt about Hoseok's decision. "It must have been hard for him too. Also, he's always been there for each and every one of us. Don't you think it's the right thing to support him?"

That left everyone in their own thoughts for a long time.

Yoongi looked up at them and through a smile, he said, "I guess this mean we've agreed to let him go then." 

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