Speaking his mind

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One day as you were resting in Hoseok and your room with the door opened, you heard the doorbell ringing a few times before Hoseok answered.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to see any of you."

Your heart ached at that. Knowing that it was probably the members who are anxiously waiting to see how you're doing, you couldn't help but get up from the bed. 

It's been almost three weeks and you've not seen them at all. Only texted a few of them now and then to tell them you were okay. You've wondered why they haven't visited, since it wasn't like them... now you know it's because of Hoseok. Does he blame them for what happened?

You stumbled out of the room. You were healing faster than ever, although it still hurts now and then.

Your eyes found Hoseok's. His were filled with pain. So much pain that it almost stopped you from breathing. You checked and saw that the members had left.

"Why did you do that?" you asked in a soft voice.

He didn't answer. Instead, he just grabbed hold on both your hands and held them as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. From the gesture, you knew he was troubled himself too. Maybe even more than you were.

"Baby," you whispered.

Hoseok's grip on you tightened. "I don't think I can forgive them fully," he whispered, speaking his mind for the first time. Those words broke your heart and you thought you were going to stop breathing... hearing him say that.

"I'm okay," you replied weakly.

"You could have died."

"I didn't."

He lifted his head and you saw his rimmed red eyes staring back at you. You knew that the moment you left the house, everything had changed for Hoseok.

"The members," you began, trying to explain things again.

"They lied."

"I told them too."

Hoseok shook his head. "I understand, Y/N, I really do. That's why I can't forgive them or myself. I performed on that stage for thousands of people that night while you were in a car accident. How do you think that made me feel? After Namjoon confessed, I went back on stage and performed the last three songs and rushed there. I rushed there and saw that you had left me."


"You died," Hoseok said, his voice cracked. "You died and didn't respond for who knows how long and I rushed out of here, thinking the worst."

"I came back."

He shook his head. "If the members hadn't come for me..."

"I really don't—"

He cut you off. "How do you expect me to live on... without you?" 

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