For Hoseok

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You found out that Hoseok had already talked to the company about it, which means the members do not know about it yet.

Hoseok looked over at you after he finished drinking water. He was going to go tell the members about it today.

You were about to try to convince one more time when he pulled you against him, arms around you. You were surprised by the gesture and forgot what you were supposed to say.

"It was hard," he whispered.

"What was hard?"

"Pretending to be happy... positive...bright."

You froze.

"Standing in front of cameras... I'm supposed to be the one who brings others hope and smiles. I'm always supposed to be smiling or laughing in front of fans and cameras. It was such a burden on me... It gets harder every day even before I met you. You made it bearable."

You sighed before wrapping your arms around his waist, laying the side of your head to his chest. You knew. When you had met Hoseok, he wasn't the same person he was in front of the camera. He wasn't always laughing and smiling and loud. He was quiet and only smile now and then. He was completely different. There were times when he was exactly like the person he is in front of the camera, but that's only when the members are down and needed cheering up.

"I've done all I can for the fans and the members," he said quietly, pulling away from you. He had his hands on your shoulders, staring down at you. "I need to do this for you and for me."

As you stood there looking at Hoseok, you knew that he isn't doing this because of you. He was doing it for himself. He didn't want to pretend to be the person he isn't anymore. He wanted to move away from the toxic air that he breathes in, being the idol that he is. He wanted to take off the mask he's been wearing all these years.

You knew he needed your support more than anything. Maybe people and even the members will see it as Hoseok doing it for you, but you knew that wasn't it. He was doing it for himself. For the first time... Hoseok was really putting himself first.

You leaned forward, resting your forehead against his chest, eyes closed. After a few minutes, you nodded. That was all Hoseok needed. You to stand by his side through it all. 

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