Breakfast with Hoseok + the members

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"Did the members leave?" you asked, halfway through your meal.

Hoseok stopped chewing and looked at you before chewing again. After he swallowed, he reached for his glass of water. "It's too quiet, hey?"

"That's not what I mean."

He laughed softly. "Yoongi and Namjoon are in their studios. The younger ones and Seokjin are practising the dances."

"And you're here cooking."

"Anything for you."

You smiled. "Shouldn't you have cooked something for the members?"

Hoseok arched an eyebrow. "That's not my problem."

You tutted.

He smiled. "Usually we don't eat breakfast, plus we all have different times when we eat."


"Didn't you make anything for us?!" Seokjin's eyes widened in shock. All six members were standing in the kitchen, eyes on you and Hoseok.

Hoseok looked up from you. "No."

"This guy," Seokjin scoffed.

"He only made some for you, didn't he?" Jimin turned his not-so-surprised look towards you.

You drank your coffee, concealing your smile.

"Let me eat some too," Jungkook leaned over to take a bite from Hoseok's toast.

"Guess we'll just go eat out," Yoongi said with that pout he wears often.

"Yeah," Taehyung crossed his arms. "Since Hoseok doesn't care about us anymore."

"Yoongi will treat us," Namjoon said.

The members laughed and quickly agreed, yelling that they're changing clothes before sprinting out of the room, leaving Yoongi standing there with a blank expression.

Hoseok laughed, pointing at him.

"This is all your fault," Yoongi said, even though he was joking.

Shaking his head, Hoseok turned his attention towards you, "Are you full?"

"I'm always up for food."

Hoseok grabbed your empty plate and placed it in the sink along with his. Then he walked over towards you and grabbed your hand, pulling you to your feet.

You tilted your head up to look at him.

"Let's go with them too," Hoseok said, before placing his large hands against your face, squishing them tightly, making it hard for you to reply back to him. He flickered his eyes towards Yoongi who was awkwardly watching the whole thing. "I'll treat."

Yoongi cleared his throat. "Do that in your own time."

Hoseok and you laughed as Hoseok dropped his hands. Yoongi flashed a smile right back at him. 

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