Away for a few hours

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You walked into the room to see Hoseok sitting down at the table. 

He smiled when he saw how sad you looked. 

You just stood there with wearing his oversize hoodie, looking like a dead person walking. 

Hoseok laughed, got up and walked towards you, wrapping both his arms around you, pulling you towards him. "You look so pitiful, Y/N."

You buried your face into his chest. "I'm sorry." 

"Sorry for what?" he teased. "Getting sick days before my very big performance?" 

You groaned. 

Hoseok bent down and kissed you briefly before pulling back. "I'll be back as soon as the event is over, okay?"

Looking at him, you realised how tired he also look too. He has been spending so much time that he hadn't been able to spend time with you properly. However, when you got really sick, Hoseok made sure you were around him or the members so he can check up on you.

You nodded. "Good luck, oppa."

His hand cupped your face and you saw that he was having conflicted thoughts. He had been restless ever since knowing you're sick.

"I really don't want to leave you alone," Hoseok sighed.

You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling his hands on your hip. "I'll be fine for a few hours."

"As soon as tonight is over, I'm all yours," Hoseok pulled back and frowned. "I can't believe I have to fly out soon too. We barely see each other these days."

You patted his cheek with your fingertips, "Come back soon, okay? I'll be watching your performance!"

He smiled tiredly, "Promise?"

You nodded.

As Hoseok walked out of the room to talk to their manager, you winked at the members who chuckled, shaking their heads.

"You sure this is a good idea? You're sick after all," Jungkook said. He looked as tired as Hoseok too. They all do.

You nodded. "This is important to me. I'll be fine."

"Call us if you need," Namjoon said, seriously.

You nodded.

Jin shook his head. "All these lies because you cannot lie."

You poked your tongue.


All eyes went to Hoseok.

"Come on. Time to go."

He couldn't resist you and came back, giving you one last hug before pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"See you soon."

"Bye," you grinned.

"Come on Hoseok!" Jin complained, although you heard the teasing in his tone.

"Wow," Suga said. "Stay a bit longer there, why don't you?"

As you waved at the members and Hoseok who leaves, you didn't realise that this was going to change... everything. 

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