With the members

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"I was never mad at you guys," Hoseok said as he laid his head on Jimin's leg. The members were all sitting and laying down on the grass, eyes to the sky.

No one said anything.

"I mean it," Hoseok said firmly. "I was just... I don't know. I had a lot going on in my mind."

"We understand," Jimin said reassuringly. "It was wrong to keep it from you, I'm sorry."

"We all are," Yoongi said in a quiet voice. "I would have acted worse if I'd been in your shoes."

Hoseok smiled, closing his eyes. "I think Y/N is happy to see you lot again. She's been giving me so much crap for avoiding you guys."

Namjoon chuckled. "We've missed her too."

"Did you two ended up celebrating that special day?" Taehyung asked.

Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung and nodded. "Yeah. Nothing special. Y/N was still in pain now and then so I didn't want to do anything fancy."

"You're lucky hyung," Jungkook said. "Y/N would give up the whole world for you. She would do anything for you, even if she's sick and couldn't move."

Hoseok grinned. That was something he knew. He hated and loved that about you. 

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