Explaining things to Hoseok

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You did your best to recover so Hoseok wouldn't worry too much. Even when you felt a bit of pain, you kept it to yourself to reassure him that you were okay. You were scared that he'll break apart if you weren't there for him.

After three days, you were allowed to come back home and Hoseok have been by your side every moment. 

You also found out that Hoseok had cancelled everything and the company understood why. You were frustrated with him because you knew how excited the fans have been, waiting for the group to head overseas to introduce their new album and to even perform there too.

Several times you argued about it with Hoseok but he just answered back in a grave tone, "Don't argue with me on this. Please."

You stopped after hearing that. He was really hurting.

So when Hoseok was drinking coffee one morning, you decided that you needed to do something. Anything to get a reaction from him. He had been too quiet since you two got back. You've not even seen the members too and that made you worry about them. Were they doing okay? Was Hoseok giving them a hard time?  

Hoseok never asked once, but you ended up telling him everything about how you wanted to celebrate the 1000 days you two have been together with him before he goes overseas. You wanted to surprise him that night when he gets back and you had asked the members to help keep it a secret. The members had been worried and rang you to make sure you were okay and heading back home.

You tried explaining that it was no one's fault that you got into a car accident—that he shouldn't blame himself or the members. It was all your doing.

When Hoseok didn't say anything, you tried to tell him that it was okay if he was mad at you, but to not take it out on the members or himself.

Hoseok never answered but listened quietly as you explained everything.  

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