Y/N's silence

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Namjoon and the members paced around the area nervously. Ever since hearing the loud screeching sounds and then hearing crash noises, they had been traumatised by it.

Deep down, they know that something had happened to you.

"It's my fault," Namjoon rasped out. "I called her—"

Jin cut him off, "Don't think like that."

Namjoon swallowed, shaking his head. "I—I can't. I need to go after her."

"Yah," Yoongi stood in front of him as he tried to stand. "The manager is going to update us. We can't act on anything recklessly. Hoseok said so himself alright? The fans have been excited, waiting for us for months. You're our leader, Namjoon."

"F*ck this," Namjoon tried to move but then the manager opened the door, face paled.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook stood up faster than anyone. "Where is Y/N?"

"Accident," he said, swallowing. "I—she was driving when a driver went onto the wrong lane and hit her. Y/N managed to steer the wheel away and it did less damage, but still damage."

Taehyung closed his eyes in pain. "No."

"Is she okay?" Yoongi asked, his face paled than it already was.

"She got lucky because the driver had been slowly done, fearing that he was going to fall asleep, but," he took a deep breath and continued on, "Y/N fractured two ribs and minor concussion. She had internal bleeding too."

"We need to tell Hoseok," Namjoon said, tears in his eyes. It was one of the rare times that the members saw tears in Namjoon's eyes. He was usually very calm and logical. 

"Namjoon," Jin clicked his fingers in front of Namjoon's face when he saw that Namjoon had totally blocked everything out.

Namjoon covered his face with both hands. "I can't do this."

Seokjin rested both hands on Namjoon's shoulders. "Get yourself together. We're going out there in less than twenty minutes."

"Hyung," Namjoon croaked, dropping his hands.

Seokjin nodded, telling him that he was there for Namjoon, even though anyone can tell that he was as shocked as they all were.

"What do you suggest we do?" Seokjin asked Namjoon. Seokjin was always joking and making the room lively for others and it is that in rare moments like this, that he was deadly serious and in charge. "We can tell Hoseok or we can keep it quiet until the event is over. Hoseok will probably kill each and every one of us... but we'll do what you want us to do."

Jungkook moved in and the members stood in front of Namjoon as they waited for their leader to say something. Anything.

"Quiet," Namjoon whispered. "But... if it was any of our girls... I would want to know."

Seokjin nodded quietly.

"The fans..." his voice cracked. Anyone could see how conflicting this was for him and even the members too. To be selfish or to be selfless?

Jimin closed his eyes. "You've made up your mind, right?"

Taehyung rested his forehead on Jimin's shoulder, feeling defeated himself.

"It's best to stay quiet," the manager spoke, drawing every one of their attention towards him. "Hoseok—he won't understand no matter what. He would run out of here right here and then. Who is going to do the intro that took him weeks to master?"

Everyone stayed quiet.

"I guess we've all agreed then," Yoongi said quietly. Everyone was in pain. They were all confused and broken. They didn't know what to do.

One thing for sure, they knew you would want to keep it quiet. They can't be sure, but they knew you mentioned something about keeping it quiet before the line went dead.

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