Calming Hoseok

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Everything escalated and the members were shouting at one another as Hoseok was yelling at them about your condition. He was so mad that they were unsure if he will start throwing fists at him. 

Hoseok managed to calm down when Jungkook and Seokjin grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. The others watched worriedly. They've not seen him like this before and it was scaring them too. Maybe it was wrong to keep your situation a secret.

"Hobi," Yoongi said calmly.

"Hoseok, listen to us," Namjoon said. He didn't sound like the leader anymore, but a friend. A close friend.

Hoseok glared at them, tears in his eyes.

"Y/N is okay," Namjoon said calmly. "Her heart just stopped for a bit. She's okay. She's fine."

"Hyung," Taehyung said lowly. "Namjoon hyung is not lying. We just came from the hospital. Nothing is wrong with her. She's okay."

Hoseok was breathing heavily as he took this information in. He didn't know. He just saw his whole life flashed before his own eyes. His future. What he could have with you.

"You guys kept it from me," Hoseok said lowly. Everyone could see the hurt in his eyes. He didn't expect them to keep it hidden from him, even if it was just for a few hours. It hurt him.

No one said anything.

"Let go," Hoseok said to Jungkook and Seokjin. They didn't make a move at his request. "Let go of me."

They looked at one another and then to Namjoon.

Yoongi nodded. "It's fine. Let him go."

Carefully, the two backed away from Hoseok who ran his hand down his face, tiredly. The members watched him in silence, not knowing what to do or say to him.

"Hoseok," Namjoon began.

"I'm going back to Y/N," Hoseok said, eyes to them. He turned to go but then looked at them. In a flat tone, he said, "Don't follow me. Please. If you ever considered me as a friend or even a brother, don't follow me."

The members watched as Hoseok disappeared from their sights. 

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