Staying overnight

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Hoseok walked back into the room to see that you were still out. After being reassured that you were going to be okay, he thanked his managers and the staffs as well as the hospital staffs before demanding that they fix a place for him to sleep. There were arguments but they knew they couldn't stop Hoseok from being away from you too.

Hoseok  sat on the ground, unable to do anything. Once in a while he would look over at you a few times to make sure that you were breathing and that you were okay. He couldn't sleep even though you were in the same room as he is. Eventually he made his way to the sofa and closed his eyes, exhausted from the performances tonight and feeling sorry towards his fans who are probably confused why he wasn't there until the very end. He hated himself for doing that to them, but he hated himself more for not being there for you too.

He reflected on what had happened tonight. It was the worst night he had ever experienced in his whole entire life. He didn't know what to think if you had left him.

To be honest, he believed in the members, that was why he chose to perform until the very end. He knew that he could trust them, but everything fell apart when he saw you slowly fading away from him. He blamed the members. He blamed himself. And then he blamed you too.

He was still unsure why you were out of the house, but he isn't willing to be around anyone except for you right now. He was going to have to fly out in a few days but he wasn't prepared to leave you. He could only hope that he can take you with him, even though it's impossible with your state at the moment. One thing's for sure, he knows that he isn't going to be leaving you behind. 

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