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You were in pain from the impact of the crash and didn't trust yourself to move. You couldn't even make a sound too.

You watched Hoseok who was sleeping away from you. By the looks of the tiredness that was showing on his face, you had scared him more than yourself. You weren't even looking forward to having the talk with him too.

Closing your eyes from exhaustion, you wonder about the members. Are they okay? Did Hoseok take it out on them? Hoseok wasn't the type to do that, but he must have been upset. You weren't sure about what had happened exactly... Your heart apparently stopped beating too so that must have affected Hoseok in the worse way possible. To make things worse, Hoseok was present when it happened.

Tilting your head back to the ceiling, you opened your eyes and sighed loudly. What a mess.


The minute Hoseok's eyes opened, you saw how worried he had been. He rushed over towards you, looking all over you making sure that you were alive and that you were okay.

You had tears in your eyes when you realised that you had scared him to the point where it will be impossible for him to forget. You didn't know it then, but that moment had changed Hoseok.

Finally, his eyes came to you and they teared up as well. For a long time, you just sat on your bed with Hoseok's arms carefully around you. 

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