Out with the members

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Hoseok haven't had time to see you and although it's frustrating for him, he decided he had to suck it up and do his best. His members were working hard and it was only right if he does too.

He walked out of the supermarket when his phone rang.


"Buy more meat," you said over the phone.

You couldn't see him, but he smiled at the sound of your voice.

"I'm broke."

Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung gave Hoseok a look and he gestured that you were on the phone with him and that he needed to go back to buy more things.

"I'll tell the others to wait," Jimin said before jogging off towards the van where the rest of the members were.

You scoffed over the phone. "Really?"

"I spent eighty percent of my life saving for your ring," Hoseok reminded you.

You didn't know whether he was lying or not so you stayed quiet. Hoseok never told you how much he spent and only said, "I shed blood, sweat and tears to get that." Whatever that meant.

"I'll see you in an hour," Hoseok said.

"Remember the meat! Oh, and buy more drinks too!"

"I don't like it when you drink," he grumbled to himself. "Alright. Bye then."

Seokjin laughed when he hung up. "Are the girls there?"

Hoseok blew out a sigh. "She's so freaking energetic when she drinks."

"The way you feel around Y/N when she's drinking, is exactly like how we feel around you." 

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