Tea with the girls

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For the next few weeks, Hoseok has been spending a lot of time with the members preparing for their comeback stage. Although you try to support them despite being busy yourself, Hoseok eventually scolded you and told you to concentrate on your things instead of his. Knowing that he was right, you stopped showing up and only show up when you can. To the two of you, work was really important and at times, it even comes first before the relationship.

You often meet up with Jimin and Suga's girlfriend since the two come to the house a lot. The girls were really happy to hear about your engagement and shared funny stories about how the members reacted.

"It's true that Yoongi oppa cried," Suga's girlfriend, Marina said, laughing.

"Jimin got teary too," Jimin's girlfriend, Aria said.

"Really?" Marina asked, eyes wide. "Why didn't Yoongi mention that then?"

Aria grinned. "Maia said that Taehyung told her."

"You mean he teared up in private?" you chuckled. The two are seriously so close.

"He was happy for the two of you," Aria said. "We all are. Jimin is really happy that Hoseok found someone he wants to be with forever. He said that Hoseok has been through a lot and it's about time he had a female fighter alongside him." 

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