Harley Walked to Cat Woman's apartment with Quinn asleep in her arms. Harley knocked on the door almost walking up Quinn.
"Harley What are you doing here again?" Cat Woman says looking like she was crying all night.
"Can I come in?" Harley says. Cat woman steps aside and let's Harley in.
"So why are you here are you gonna fight me or some shit." Cat woman says sniffling and wiping her tears. Harley sat down and cradled Quinn in her arms. Cat woman noticed what a good mom she was. She wished that she could be like that with her kids but it's to late.
" I want to talk to you about your five kids. " Harley said. Cat woman smiled and sat down next to Harley.
"What about them." Cat woman said Smiling. Harley noticed how hurt She was and how much she cares about her kids.
"I want to help you get them back. I could help you get approve by the state to be a mother." Harley Says happy. Cat woman Looked out the window.
"you would really help me?" Cat Woman asks. Harley nods. Cat woman started smiling.
"How many rooms are in this place?" Harley asks. Cat woman got up to look. Harley set Quinn on the couch and looked around her apartment.
"There's 5 rooms." Cat woman says. Harley turns around and walks into the hallway to see the rooms.
"You planned to keep them didn't you? That's why there is baby stuff in the four rooms." Harley asks. Cat woman Looked at the ground and tears ran down her face.
"I thought about keeping them, but when I looked at all of their faces and realized they deserved a better family then what I had to offer." Cat woman says sobbing. Harley felt bad. She hugged cat woman.
"Ok so What's your oldest sons name?" Harley asks. Cat woman smiled.
"Wilden J" Cat woman says. Once Harley heard his name he knew it was Jokers son.
"Is that jokers son and how old is he?" Harley asks and squinted her eyes.
"He is jokers son and Quinn's older brother and Wilden is 13. But what does that have to do with anything?" Cat woman says looking at Quinn.
"hello is this Katherine and John Wilks?" Harley Says on the phone.
"what are you doing?" Cat Woman asks whispering .
"Oh ok So can I speak to Wilden I'm his real Fathers Wife, and so you know who his father is? Yeah it's joker so if you don't let me talk to him I Will have joker kill you so let me speak to Wilden." Harley Says yelling on the phone.
"Harley you can't tell at these people!" Cat Woman says yelling quietly so she doesn't wake up Quinn.
"Hey Wilden! So do you know you were adopted... Oh you do, do you want to live with your real mom because I'm your real Fathers girlfriend and your real mother is right next to me." Harley asks. Cat woman got nervous. Harley takes the phone off her ear and gives the phone to Cat woman.
" He wants to talk to you. " Harley says quietly. Cat woman takes a deep breath and grabs the phone.
"Hey Wilden." Cat woman says.

Jokers Baby Daughter
ActionJoker Knocks up Harley Quinn. At first he was resistant of being a father. then saw his baby he knew he wanted to be apart of her life