1 year later. Quinn's 3rd birthday.
"Joker can I talk to you." Harley says concerned. Joker Walked into a room with Harley alone.
"What's up?" Joker said. Harley looked at the ground and kept tapping her foot. Joker gets scared.
"I might be pregnant again." Harley Says taking a deep breath after. Joker Wasn't scared of worried. Because he already has 2 kids.
"Ok whatever, can I enjoy my daughter's birthday please, without her having no attention because of our drama again." Joker says annoyed. Harley just watched Joker walk out of the room. Cat woman and Her 5 kids come in the door with presents.
"Hey Harley! We're here!" Cat woman says setting down the presents. Harley came out of the room with a fake smile.
"Yay Quinn and Joker and Everyone else From our gang is here and their kids and wives." Harley says pointing to the Kitchen. They walked into the kitchen and Harley sat on the couch and Just sat their disappointed in herself.
"What have I done." Harley says with her face in her hands. Wilden walks out into the living room and saw Harley. He saw her crying.
"Harley are you ok?" Wilden asks concerned. Harley jumped up and wiped her eyes.
"Yeah just lady problems." Harley says sniffling. Wilden looks at her.
"Your pregnant again aren't you?" Wilden says Clenching his fists. Harley noticed that he clenched his fists. She stepped back.
"Yes and I'm not trying to ruin my daughter's birthday again." Harley says walking into the kitchen. Wilden walks in the kitchen and saw how Quinn was gonna probably kill that baby.
"Mommy more Red Bull!" Quinn shouted. Harley crossed her arms.
" is that the way you ask people young Lady? " Harley says. Quinn stomped her foot.
"Are you really gonna ruin my birthday again?" Quinn yells at Harley. Everyone was shocked to hear a 3 year old say that. That how you know Quinn is Joker and Harley's kid. Poison Ivy goes on the fridge and grabs a Red bull and dumped it in Quinn's Sippy cup.
"alright Quinn Grace let's go watch netflix." Poison Ivy says picking up Quinn and walking out into the living room. All the kids went into the living room. All the adults say at the table.
"Lets discuss business shall we?" Joker says holding his hands.
" I think we should Jack up Gotham's Theater. " Killer Croc says. Harley Rolled her eyes.
"So simple croc head, I say we Rob Batman for God sakes, I mean one of you knuckleheads could go rob the theater and us smart people could sneak into Batman's Cave and Rob him break shit because he will be too busy." Harley says all business like. Everyone liked the Idea. Joker laughs.
"Thanks for telling us Our plan but you can't cause your pregnant and the only thing you should be planning is when can you sign up for planned parenthood." Joker says like an asshole. Harley Felt Offended.
"So you want me to give up our baby because all of your time and dedication is towards Quinn." Harley says all pissed off.
"Well she is my daughter and she actually has what it takes and won't disappoint me so yeah." Joker says laughing. Everyone was Oohing and awwing.

Jokers Baby Daughter
ActionJoker Knocks up Harley Quinn. At first he was resistant of being a father. then saw his baby he knew he wanted to be apart of her life