*The Day Of Jokers Trial*
The Jury walks out and sits on the Stand. Joker was sitting in a Chair next to his lawyer. Across from him was Harley's Lawyer and Her mom was sitting next to her lawyer. The Judge stands up.
"We are here to see if Jared Cabeo should be Sentenced 5 years of the murder of Harleen Quinzel." The judge says then sits. Brianna and Quinn were sitting with their grandfather behind Their grandmother.
"Jared To the Stand." The judge says. Joker walks over to the stand. Harley's Lawyer walked up and started to question him.
"Mr. Cabeo, why did you Kill Harleen Quinzel?" She asks. .He sighed.
"The crazy bitch was gonna kill my wife and son." Joker says with rage in his voice. Harley's Lawyer chuckled silently.
"Alright Mr. Cabeo do you think she would of really have done that if you hadn't shot her?" She asks very persuasively. He Say there with a blank stare and thought of the good person side of Harley, and how she probably wouldn't have shot them.
"No..." He says with guilt in his deep voice. Joker looked at the jury and they were writing things down.
"If you knew she probably wouldn't have killed them why did you shoot her?" Harley's Lawyer says. Joker ran his hands through his hair.
"3 reasons." He says looking at Brianna and Quinn. Everyone gasped.
"And those are?" She says. Joker zoned out. He imagined Harley by the doors in the courtroom.
"Mr.J why did you shoot me, I was the love of your life." Harley says. Joker Felt guilty.
"I'm sorry Harley, forgive me." Joker says. Harley walked towards him. She rubbed his face.
"Of course I'll forgive you. But the girls won't. You take care of them. Their the only thing I have left in this world." Harley says Rubbing her hands through his hair.
"Alright Puddin." Joker says. Harley's Lawyer snaps her fingers in Jokers face.
"Hello Mr.Cabeo. What are those 3 reasons?" She says. He shook his head.
"She forgave me.." Joker muttered to himself.
"She what?" She replied back. Joker looked up.
"The first reason why I shot My True love is because I wanted a different life, a much better one and I didn't want her in it. Reason 2 She turned My daughter's against me, I missed 4 years of their lives. Reason 3 I didn't want to admit I loved her more than my wife.
"Grandpa Is daddy going to Jail?" Brianna says. Harley's father looked down at Brianna.
"Possibly Sweetheart, but me and Grandma will take care of you and your sister."
"Dads really needs to go to jail, he took my mom away from me." Quinn says crossing her arms.
"Girls, don't worry your fucking sick ass father is gonna get his piece of shit ass put in jail." Harley's mother says. Brianna got slightly frightened.
"The jury will discuss What should happen to Mr. Cabeo at this time we please ask that you leave this room until we call you back in." The judge says sighing, horrified, Sympathetic for Harley's Family. 30 minutes passed by. Everyone was called back into the courtroom.
"The Jury has made a decision, Jared Cabeo Will be... Sentenced for 5 years in Gotham Prison. Mrs and Mr. Quinzel has custody of Quinn and Brianna Cabeo." The judge says holding Jokers File which was 35 papers long... Well now 36 papers long.
"Judge May I hug my daughter's goodbye?" Joker asks.
"You may." The judge says. Joker runs over to Brianna and Quinn and hugs them.
"I love you Quinn you'll always be My little Baby. I'll see you when your 13. I'm sorry for not being a good father, but your my first daughter and I really all what you did to make my life better." Joker says hugging Quinn.
"I love you to. But I'll always hate you." Quinn says pulling away from him. His feelings got hurt. Then he walked over to Brianna to give her a hug.
" I love you so much Bri Bri, You will be my little Smartie and my princess and just because I can't see you a lot doesn't mean I won't miss you. I'll see you when your 10... I love you girls. " he says standing up while cops but handcuffs on him.
"Bye Daddy." Brianna says with tears rolling down her face.

Jokers Baby Daughter
ActionJoker Knocks up Harley Quinn. At first he was resistant of being a father. then saw his baby he knew he wanted to be apart of her life