Chapter 61

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2 years later
   *Police shows up at Brianna's front door and knocks* Brianna hears the knock and walks towards the door and opens it.
   "Oh hi officers, how can I help you?" Brianna says confused. They take off their hats and look down. One of them looked up at her.
  "May we come in?" One of them says. Brianna's heart dropped, her cheeks turned pink and stepped out of the way to let them in.
  "Sit down please." The officer says. So Brianna sat down and was worried out of her mind.
   "Mommy can I have some gummy snacks please." Brianna's son asks her while holding a toy fire truck.
"Yeah sure Blake." Brianna says, while standing up to go to the cabinets. She hands Blake the gummy snack and then goes back to sitting down at her kitchen table.
"Your Father... passed away." The officer says while he is looking at the ground. In that moment, hearing those words made Brianna's heart drop. She started to tear up but wiped the tears away.
"How did he die." She asks with her voice breaking.
  "Suicide." The officer says then gives her a note.
  "He left that for you." The other police officer says, "We're sorry for your loss ma'am." Brianna just saying there frozen, she didn't know what to say or what to feel. The last time she saw her dad was 2 months ago and it wasn't a good visit.

2 months earlier
"Brianna I do not like the fact that you are becoming like your mother. You look like her, yes but it doesn't mean you need to be like that fucking tramp." Joker says while pounding on the table. Brianna rolls her eyes.
  "Oh shut up dad, of course I remind you of her because YOU HAD A KID WITH HER! and you don't like being reminded of her cause you shot her." Brianna says viciously. Joker gets really pissed off and gets in her face.
  "Listen here little one, I dealt with you, Quinn's and your mother's attitude and rude comments since I've met her and you two were born and I'm fucking tired of it." Joker says. Brianna pushes him away from her.
  "I don't blame Quinn for pushing you out of her life... you are an asshole always were and always will be. You were a lousy husband and father and the only person you have to blame if yourself you prick." Brianna yells, "My son, is sleeping and you come in here and start yelling at me and telling me I'm like my mother? She was a good woman who spent half of her life dealing with your shit you pretty much ruined her life."
"Your a slut, just like your mother and sister.. you blame everyone but yourselves. Just ghetto ass hoes is all you guys are and will be." Joker says while lighting a cigarette.
"Get the fuck out of my house and never come back." Brianna says pointing to the door.
  "I should've pulled out or made your mother get an abortion with you and Quinn, biggest fucking mistakes I have ever made." Joker says and then he leaves.

The present
Brianna starts having flashbacks of that day and starts bawling her eyes out. She will never get to apologize for the awful things she said to her father and that was the only thing on her mind.
  "Alright well thanks for telling me, you may go now." Brianna said while standing up and heading for the door. The police officers follow her and walk out. Brianna closes the door and starts crying.
  "Mommy." Blake says while batting his eyes.
  "Yes hunny." She says while wiping her eyes.
"Are you alright?" Blake asks. Brianna got up and gave him a hug. She starts rubbing his back and sighs.
"Mommy is ok, I promise." She says while a tear leaves her eye. Blake smiles and walks away and goes and plays with his toys. Brianna walked upstairs to grab her phone and call Quinn to tell her about the passing of their father. Then she remembers they didn't end things on a good note the last time they saw each other. It's been a year since they talked. But Brianna knew she needed to bring the whole family together for her father.

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