Harley went to the address Joker wrote in a piece of paper. She Was eager to get her baby back. She finally got to the house. She looked at it, it seemed familiar to her. She knocked on the door.
"Hello." Harley's mom said. Harley gasped. She wanted to run but she had her baby.
"Hi where's my baby?" Harley Says baring to look at her mother. Her mother looked at her like " Are you serious? "
"Wow your not gonna talk to your mom first?" Harley's mom said crossing her arms.
" I don't care about you, I care about my baby so give me her. " Harley says peeling her head in the door.
"Fine come in." Harley's mom says stepping out of the way. Harley ran into the house looking for Quinn. She walked into the living room. Her father was Sitting on the couch.
"Long time no see Harleen." Harley's father said. Harley rolled her eyes.
"Where is My baby!?!" Harley yells. Her father sat back and laughed.
"You shouldn't have let that Damn Clown change you, You were Smart and had a chance of getting the hell out of here you didn't involve yourself in crimes and shit like me and your mom. But you met that clown and made you crazy and now look your stuck in Gotham with His baby." Harley's dad said drinking vodka from his shot glass. Harley looked at the ground and Remembered how good and what chance she had to get out of here. But she blew that on Joker.
"Well I guess that's what I wanted so where is my baby?" Harley says. Harley's dad laughed and pointed up the stairs. Harley ran upstairs and looked in all of the rooms. Except her room. Then Harley Walked in her room and saw Quinn. She picked up Quinn and hugged her. Then she looked all around her room. Memories poured out. Harley started crying. She remembered the life she had before joker so caught up in school and worrying about Her parents bail money. Quinn looked at her mom and smiled. Harley realized she didn't want her daughter to be the way she is. Harley Walked downstairs and walked in front of her dad with Quinn in her arms. Harley's father smiled because he saw how much Quinn looked like the old Harley before she met her father.
" Thanks. " Harley says walking out.

Jokers Baby Daughter
ActionJoker Knocks up Harley Quinn. At first he was resistant of being a father. then saw his baby he knew he wanted to be apart of her life