Quinn's POV When Joker Killed Harley:
"Hi Quinn, I'm detective Von." He says. Quinn sniffles and wiped her eyes.
"Hi." She says very sad.
"Could you tell me what happened the night your daddy killed your mommy." The detective said. Quinn scoffed.
"I'm 8 years old don't talk to me like I'm 5 talk like that to Brianna but not me!" She said crying.
"Noted." He said sitting down.
"Well supposedly my dad was in jail for 3 years instead of 4 like he said he was. Apparently he didn't see me or my sister for an extra year to get his life back together whatever that means. But the day he got out he came to get me and Brianna. And he just told my mom that he was leaving her for someone else. Before she could say anything he took us and I turned around when I was shutting the door and she fell to her knees and I felt bad because it wasn't the first my dad left my mom. But when we got to my douche bag father's house Brianna and I walked in the house and saw some hoe in the kitchen cooking with a baby in a highchair and I just got angrier than I was already was, because of what my dad did and had done. Brianna was pissed off but she didn't show it like i did. Then I told my mom about my dad's Litter carrier and I told her where he lived so she could get me and my sister because we both didn't want to be there." Quinn says wiping her eyes.
" So you did tell your mom where you dad lived? " he asked. Quinn rolled her eyes.
"Didn't I just say I did!" She said furiously.
"Yes you did, Did your mom mention anything about bringing a gun to his house?" The detective asked. Quinn shook her head no.
"Continue with the story." He said.
"Well when my mom got there he busted the door done and came in with a gun, Brianna ran to her room so she didn't have to be around the fighting. Elaine and Hunter were crying my dad looked annoyed and I was laughing." Quinn says.
"Why were you laughing." He asked. Quinn sat up straight.
" I was Mad at my dad and I wasn't thinking I'm 8 years old cut me some slack. " Quinn says blowing her nose.
"Alright continue." He said.
" My mom started threatening Elaine and I felt bad but I really thought she deserved it. I didn't think my mom was gonna shoot anyone which she didn't. My dad has anger problems so he does things without thinking. Hunter was crying and Brianna was walking down the hall to come see my mom because she was about to leave and then my dad got pissed and pulled out a gun and shot my mother. Then I watched my mom fall to the ground and I started crying and then once Brianna saw her she started bawling and she fell t the ground with my mom and cried while laying on my mom's side and we were covered in her blood. Elaine was like I'm shock she was scared and Hunter had no idea on what was going on. Then me and Brianna watched our mom die. I just don't know why I never appreciated her if I knew !y own father was gonna kill her I would of showed her I loved her but it was too late... " Quinn says bawling. The detective had tears in his eyes.
"Alright Quinn send your sister in." The detective said wiping the tears away. Quinn left crying and then she sat next to Elaine and Elaine have Quinn a hug and held her in her arms.

Jokers Baby Daughter
ActionJoker Knocks up Harley Quinn. At first he was resistant of being a father. then saw his baby he knew he wanted to be apart of her life