The warning

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We head to the guild only to find the members knocked out well except for Yukino who must've been protected by her spirits. We rush to her and see burnings across her body, I immediately heal her and all the other members; after everyone is healed I pass out due to using too much magic, the last thing I remember is Sting and Rogue rushing over to me. I wake up to find all my spirits and members of the guild in the infirmary; I sit up and they all smile, my spirits rush to me and hug me tightly well except for Aquarius who scolds me for being so reckless. I laugh as they go back to the spirit world and then all the members thank me for healing them; I'm surprised to see that Minerva has cooked up one of her famous dishes just for me, I thank her and devour it while all the members clear out leaving me alone with Sting and Rogue. After I'm done the two dragons stand up and begin to scold me as well for being reckless, I begin to cry before they can apologize Yukino walks in; she screams at Sting and Rouge for making me cry and I begin to laugh as the master of the tigers looks down in embarrassment also the mighty shadow lord looks down and apologizes. I tell them its okay and that I was crying because it makes me happy to know that there are people who care about me; they leave me after a while to rest, Yukino tells me she'll fill me in tomorrow I just nod.

During the night I can't fall asleep and so I call sting to come sleep with me and he agrees; it doesn't take long before he is right there by my side. I pat the bed and he jumps in and hugs me tightly, I'm about to fall asleep when I feel another pair of arms around me; I should've known I look up to see Rogue there and without thinking I give him a slight kiss on his forehead. This makes the white dragon jealous and he hugs me tighter, I sigh and turn around and give him a kiss as well which makes him open his eyes in surprise; I smile and whisper, "Goodnight my dragons" before drifting off to sleep. My dream starts with a cry for help by someone I know so well my brother, I follow the sound of his voice only to find him lying on the ground a puddle of blood surrounds him; I run up to him and am about to heal him when he stretches his hand out and touches my cheek. He begins to mutter something and so I place my ear close to his lips to make out what he is saying, "This is all your fault Lucy, you killed me and our parents" I back away, fear has taken over my body as my brother's life leaves his eyes, "Romeo!" I yell and find myself sitting up with tears in my eyes, something stirs and I look to the left to find rogue looking at me with a worried look in his eyes; I begin to cry rogue immediately hugs me and reassures me that everything will be okay, I just nod and not long after my favorite blonde sits up and stares at me and rogue who is still hugging me tightly; it all happens so fast that before I notice it I'm in sting's arms I look and find rogue on the ground. I free myself from sting and run to rogue who smiles, I help him get up and ask if he's okay I then turn to sting and pout he looks embarrassed and apologizes; I run and give him a kiss on his cheek and say, "Its okay, just don't do it again" he nods and smiles I look at the clock and see that it is still three in the morning, I yawn and pat the bed they lay down once again and surround me with their protective arms. I'm about to lay down when rogue sits up and looks at me with a sad look, "What's wrong?" I ask he smiles and tells me "Where is my kiss?" I sigh and kiss him on his cheek and forehead, "Happy" "Very" he answers. I lay down and get into rogue's arms making him hug me tighter, I place my head in his chest and begin to fall asleep with the beating of his heart, so warm and comfy I begin to think. And so the darkness finally consumes me.

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