Its time

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Battle after battle each member was hurt from sabertooth being brought down by their worst fears to having a sort of robot knowing your weakness and using them against you. Even with the help of the new powers given to her by the spirit king Yukino was defeated by one of her fears from the past. Freed, bixlow and evergreen were taken down by one of the spriggan twelve that used their weakness against them but were saved by ichiya who they ended up protecting by shielding him with their bodies from a blast shot by the enemy.

While on the floats erza had to go help them as only wendy was able to affect the enemy and he was quick on targeting her and only as the other two were thrown off. Erza was quick on bringing out her sea empress armor sword making the enemy have a hard time as it turn his sand body into a solid. The both were quick to defeat him before moving on to help the others and checking on the two downed dragon slayers. Mermaid heel girls were fighting against brandish one who could control the mass of an object an enlarge it or make it smaller and they had quite the trouble as some of their weapons were shrunk down and many of the guild members were shrunk. Although jellal along with his guild Crime Sorcier came to the rescue much to Lucy's relieve and gratitude as she happily thanked them.

Lucy Pov

It is all my fault, if I had gone with him than all of my friends and family wouldn't be involved in this. My heart clenched when I saw freed and his two teammates get hist by the shot of the enemy, and how they still beat them even after they lost consciousness. The army proceeded but not after long did laxus take action. Later ichiya appeared with the well known magic bomber 'Christina' helping in taking down most of the army. My guild was taken down by their worst nightmares and it was painful to watch my mates be taken out as well as Yukino whom even with her new magic was defeated, I could feel her spirits trying to pass through their gates to help her but she must have holding them back somehow. Wendy and Erza took down the sand person by combining their magic rendering his defense useless to her sea empress sword and wendy's sky magic.

I snapped back when I heard the master yell out, before seeing as our guild hall had been breached and in stepped the one person that started this; "I finally found you my queen" His voice made me shiver and at the same burn in rage as it was him who was making my loved one suffer. "Oh, Zeref its so unpleasant to see you" my voice was calm and filled with authority not once did it waver for I knew better. He chuckled stepping towards me but was stopped as ,master makarov stepped in front of me with a serious and deadly expression glaring at him. "You will not take another step towards my child, Zeref" his name was spit with so much hate that warren took a step back in shock before looking towards me. Crimson eyes met my brown and I instantly ran forward "Watch out master!?" but it was too late zeref had struck him already and all I could do was catch his unconscious body before it hit the ground. His skin was turning paler by the second, "Master you'll be fine, okay don't I'll make sure you see your children grow and give you grandchildren to tell them your stories" I spoke barely above a whisper before placing my hand on his chest as a gold light emitted from it and dark matter began to sip out of him and floated above us. "Are you sure you can, my dear Lucy" zeref's sounded by my ear and I turned around in time to meet his eyes, "Yes, I will" his face contorted into rage and he brought his hand up to strike me, I closed my eyes on concentrated on healing the master awaiting the pain but it never came.

A warm hand landed on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to meet emerald ones, I gasped as she smiled at me her golden locks flowed behind her. "Mavis, can?" my words were stuck as I watched her smile before looking down and placing her hand on mine helping in healing master Makarov faster. "I found a way that by hurting my spirit, the crystal would crack so I asked cana do help me with that" she sighed before looking at me with sad eyes, "I know what you want to do, and I beg you please don't" she gripped my hand but not hard as to hurt me. I looked down to makarov before sighing and smiling sadly "I want to, your happinness is important to me. Besides it is my duty to stop him" my eyes met hers again with a seriousness that I had never shown. I knew she could see the determination in my eyes and she nodded solemnly before taking master makarov from my grasp and carrying him over to warren before instructing him to take him to safety. I looked to zeref who had been bound by a barrier but he was frozen the only thing that moved was his eyes, following them I saw that he was watching mavis. I smiled, 'Soon you'll be together and happy' I slowly rose to my feet dusting my cloth before closing my eyes and focusing on my spirits before giving the signal. 'It time' I could already see the sadness in their eyes but they new that I would not be talked out of this so they did what we planned. Soon the magical presence of everyone but mine, mavis's, natsu's, the twelve spriggan and zeref's disappeared. I open my eyes again meeting with crimson, and onyx before smiling, 'Sorry' I though before starting.

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