True Love

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Days after the small fight passed and all the preparations were made, every guild had volunteered to help much to Lucy's protest but she ended up giving in. The day of the battle was close and all the civilians were evacuated for safe measures.
Two more days before it begins and believe me we have spent it preparing and or enjoying every single moment
with the other guilds specially fairy tail. Sting and Rogue dealt with protective sisters and brothers. Chickling slightly the two turned towards me confused, "What you laughing at lucy?" Rogue asked shaking my head slightly I looked at them "Just remembering your talks with my siblings" they paled slightly, "Erza was so scary" they said before shuddering. I sighed can't my life be this peaceful all the time, "Is everything ready for the battle, in two days hell will break loose in the land" I stated seriously they nodded and I sighed remembering the price i'll have to pay for the happiness of my grandma.
'Remember, lucy the price is high and may affect you greatly although it is nothing more than a slumber who knows for how long it will be' I nodded and took the hand of Gala one of the dragons that taught me dragon slayer magic and helped me research about the spell to stop zeref although it did do that it was not in the way we wished.
Flashback end.
Standing up and heading outside near the fountain of the park i sat on the edge staring at my reflection in the water, 'Her happiness will cause my two loved ones pain, can i really go through with it?' closing my eyes slightly the image of rogue and sting crying over me popped in my head and I gasped and snapped my eyes open before trying to calm down my breathing
so it wouldn't alert the two.
'Zeref, Grandma your happiness will cause them pain but I still will do what my mom wanted to for you two' walking back in everyone greeted me cheerfully as if a war wasn't around the corner and I smiled brightly, 'This is my family'
Let the war come and there is no way in hell I will let it ruin my happiness even if I won't last for long, it won't make us weep and back down for we are ready to take on anyone that threatens us and our loved ones.
Time skip.
After the guild had a small party and everyone left for their rooms I took my mates hand in mine and lead them home humming happily. "You are so happy, lucy" sting started as he eyed me suspiciously, looking towards him I smiled brightly and ran my thumb over his knuckles, "Its just that having the people all lively and happy despite the war, it puts me at ease that we are ready and there is not much to worry about" they both squeezed my hand and I let go and began to run ahead. "Catch me if you can!"
Third POV
The two dragons smiled slightly as lucy ran in pure glee before going after her with the two exceeds right behind them. Sting took in lucy's appearance as she ran and found her to be breathtaking, her golden hair flowers right behind her like a veil, her skin glowed with the setting sun's light, brown eyes looked like crystals and pink lips pulled in a bright smile. He stopped slightly being in a trance and trying to hold back in tackling her and kissing her over and over again. Rogue looked at his twin in amusement knowing full well what he was thinking but knew that felt the same, lucy was just so beautiful and pure that it didn't seem as if she knew any pain at all, but she did and stayed strong through it all.
They ran and flew all the way to their home before stopping in front of the door catching their breath. Looking up sting smirked slightly before picking lucy up and throwing her over her shoulder, and chuckled as she squeaked and knocked the door open before running to their room.
Rogue sighed in exasperation before looking towards the exceeds and sending them off to yukino saying that happy wanted to have a sleepover.
On the bedroom lucy giggled as sting set her down on the bed and cuddled to her side before purring as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Sting I want to shower let go" she stated annoyed that sting didn't want to let go saying they had to wait on rogue.
Feeling something on her right lucy turned and saw a head of black hair, "Rogue, sting doesn't let me go shower" she pouted and crossed her arms over her chest pushing it slightly. Shivering slightly as he spoke in her ear, "It can wait" before running his tongue from her ear to neck before starting to suck on the skin and biting slightly enticing a moan from her since it was near her mark. "Lucy, won't you make a noise for me too?" Sting asked before running his hand from her waist to neck, whimpering at the pleasure it sent through her body she gulped.
"Good girl" as his lips met hers she tangled her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and he moaned. Her body was pressed against his so closely he could feel the heat raising from it and feel her nipples against his chest. Lucy was in ecstasy as sting moved to her neck and rogue claimed her mouth forcing his tongue in and explored every inch of it as she ran her finger and once in a while scrapped her nails lightly on his chest making him groan in pleasure.
Her senses came back and she pulled away before closing her eyes ignoring the groans of protest, "We can't do this, the war is almost here" lucy stood up and grabbed a change of clothes before going towards the two and pecking their cheeks slightly.
The two dragons were left lying in the bed in a daze, contemplating on what they could have done in the moment before blushing furiously at their own perverts thoughts. 'Lucy will kill us' they thought together, "Hey sting we should apologize" rogue said before walking out of the room and into the kitchen to prepare a meal for them and made lucy's favorite drink and food to show her he was sorry. Sting instead went out to buy a small gift for her to show he too was sorry.
Coming out of her shower lucy was met with silence and the smell of her favorite food that lingered in the air, she smiled softly before drying her hair and then walking down towards the kitchen . Both of her mates were seated and smiled when they saw her enter, and let's just say that night was the best of her life before the war came.
'I'm truly loved' was her only thought after the apologies as she laid awake while her two mates slept.

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