The pain

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Lucy's pov
Three months and two weeks have passed and we have to return to prepare everything before he comes to strike, also I must check on natsu since he has calmed down and it is a key to our plan since he is Zeref's brother.
Third POV
Upon entering the building and being led to his or more precisely their cell, she hesitated what if he still acted the same and she couldn't get his blood for the spell to work. Shaking her head she entered and saw them both curled up together making her eyes softly a bit since they truly love one another, clearing her throat they both looked up onyx and crystal blue eyes meeting chocolate brown. "Oh, Blondie is here to see her love how sad his mine now" lissanna sneered but huffed when she got no reaction from the blonde mage and clung to natsu's arm. "I have mates now so I don't love him and never did" I answered her making her look amused while natsu growled before launching himself towards the bars but I didn't flinch stood my ground. "What is it salamander" I said my voice ice cold making him whimper, 'So i was his mate, pity I am already claimed' I thought as he bared his teeth and dragon eyes to make me summit, I scoffed and activated mine making his head drop, "Now I came here for some of his blood for a spell that I need to defeat zeref, since he declared war to fairy tail and sabertooth" he nodded while lis growled in annoyance at how I was manipulating him but before she said anything I knocked her out and proceeded to take what I came for before leaving.
Time skip
Arriving to my guild and stepping inside I was yanked to the side before being able to take a turn into sting's office, looking up I met glaring ruby eyes making me whimper internally; rogue spoke in such cold voice I had to hold back a shiver "Why do you smell like, natsu" venom dripping as he said the name, I sighed before getting free from his grasp and turning around "I went to see him*growl* I need some of his blood for the spell to work since he is zeref's brother and he hugged me before I could react, he pretended to be knocked out and when I was about to leave he embraced me from behind and I took a shower trying to get his smell and touch of my body', turning around to meet his eyes as tears poured down my face 'sorry its my fault for not paying attention and he kissed*sniff* my neck and almost marked me as well but thankfully loke appeared*sob* and pulled me free" I finished before running into his arms at first he didn't hug me and I felt hurt so I pulled away and ran into sting's office and jumped on his lap and sobbed into his chest. I knew he smelt him on me since a growl left his lips and tensed, " he*sob* tried to mark me and I was frozen in fear and couldn't do anything" I finished wrapping my arms around his waist, him doing the same "Rogue is so angry at me*sniff* but its my fault for not asking g anyone to go with me" "Shh...... its okay, I'm here, don't cry it hurts me too" sting kissed the top of my head and rocked back and forth as if I would break at any moment that and his warmth lulled me into a peaceful sleep.
Third POV
"I know you are there rogue, come out she is asleep" said man stepped out from the shadows with sad and regretful eyes as he looked at the blonde mage with tear stained cheeks curled into a ball; "What the hell, you hurt her, now she thinks you are mad at her add that to the experience she went through and you made her cry and look vulnerable" sting stated voice full of authority and anger. Rogue looked down knowing full well he was right but it just hurt him that he wasn't there to save her and how she held up a strong face but broke the moment she finished, but when she hugged him he was lost and angry at himself that he didn't realize she hugged him until she backed away with a hurt expression before running into sting's office and sobbing while telling the full story. "I'm not mad at her only myself for not being there to protect her, and I was so lost in thought I didn't realize she had hugged me til she pulled away" he explained and the other male just scowled before getting up and carrying lucy protectively while heading to the door to take her home since it was already late "Well you better find a way to make it up to her, since you probably hurt her more" and with that he went out the door with the blonde mage sleeping loudly leaving a guilty shadow dragon.

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