The battle

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I stepped inside only to cringe at the smell of blood that floats through the air; many different smells of blood but two caught my attention. Gajeel's and Wendy's, the smell of their blood made my own boil how dare they; a small cackel was heard in the shadows immediately I took a defensive stance, "Come out, NOW!" I screamed and so they complied as a figure stepped out. No it can't be, "Natsu!?" I was in shock but hey it gives me another good to beat the crap out of him , "So you work with that guild, ha typical don't have the guts to face me head on" he just smirked and snapped his fingers and two men stepped forward with a beaten and bruised gajeel and wendy; just the sight made me want to rip his head off a growl scaped my lips, it made the men and natsu step back, I smiled are they afraid? "Let them go now, or face the consequences if angering a demon!" I look natsu dead in the eye and he shifted uncomfortably under my gaze but hid it by laughing that bastard oh well I warned him. I launched myself towards him ready to land a blow but was stopped by a damn shield I recognized that magic anywhere , "So you've finally decided to join, beth" and said girl was standing next to the disgusting pyro, "How touching that you fell in love with his pink hair!" I laughed and then once again launched myself into the shield with such force it shattered leaving a surprised pyro, and an angered blunnette. The fight was easy until the new master appeared he had the power to cancel my demon transformations but didn't stop hades from taking over which I was thankful for. After the dumb fights I healed my friends and made lily go get my dragons knowing full well that the others members defeated the rest of the guild made me relax and wait.
Twin dragon's POV
We were waiting for lucy, but instead gajeel's exceed came saying she was calling for we quickly made our way over only to growl in jealousy we saw the iron freak laying on her lap while she played with his hair. Sting took lucy while rogue laid gajeel and wendy on the ground and then ran to hug lucy as well.
Lucy's pov
I was waiting for my dragons when gajeel woke up first due to the ache to soothe him I ran my fingers through his hair and he quiet down while wendy was still sound asleep on my other lap. A growl made me look up and before she knew it she was in sting's arms and later rogue joined in after placing both her friends on the ground. She giggled at their antics before pulling away to wake wendy and help gajeel stand. The twins helped after seeing that gajeel was hugging my waist for support, seriously can't they not be jealous for one minute.
Time skip
We arrived at sabertooth and hurriedly took my friends to the infirmary to rest, everyone left but me being stubborn stayed as well as my attention seeker mates. All in all let's say that I was almost crushed by both but couldn't care less; being in their arms made me feel safe and happy with this thought in my mind I let the darkness take over me.
Missing the small figure that came over to lay with me.

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