A fight and reunion

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How dare she hurt him only to challenge me even if she hadn't hurt happy I would still fight her. "Open gate of the Lion, Leo!"Loki appears in a flash of golden light, "and Star dress Leo form!"in a flash of light my clothes changes into a black and gold trim gown with leo's sign on the top of my breast. Both loki and I get into a battle stance back to back, I smirked knowing my loyal lion will not fail me.
The little white hair hag uses her take over cat or tiger whatever she calls it form and smirks; she always used that form to beat me, now she is trying to make me remember those time pathetic thanks to that pain I'm stronger know. I circled her like a lion reading to pounce on its prey and without warning I launch my self using my instincts just like loke told me; " In this form you have the lion instincts, to protect always let them guide you in battle no matter what" those words always come up when I use his star dress. I land a hit and she goes flying back into the barrier that freed and levy must have set, she gets up once again and launches herself to me scratching my cheek a bit making her smile before I use my speed and appear behind her "Regulate punch!" I yell before knocking her out "Pathetic I thought I was the weakling here, mess with my friends once again and I will destroy you; they are under my and the celestial spirit king's protection" I say before the barrier is taken down and I walk towards my friends, mates and master. "Master, she reeks of dark magic, whoever she got to help her has the entire guild under their control but you and my friends since my celestial magic must have repelled it after I left since I put a protection spell" he nods "Also I can break the spell if you wish although natsu is not under it since he does not reek of it, he attacked gajeel, wendy and their exceeds by his free will" I step in the middle of the guild and began to chant;
Shall the darkness that is controlling and invading their hearts and minds be purified by my light and the love they have of the person they love and care for the most. Shall those memories become the cleanser and a shield to protect them from being tainted once again.

After I'm done all the guild members fall unconscious and began to glow a light blue color before a dark dog leaves their body and becomes a big ball and disappears, they all began to wake up and after a while run up to hug me saying sorry over and over again. My dragons pull me away before hugging me protectively and bearing their sharp canines, I give them a small peck on their cheek before speaking in a soothing voice "They are just happy to see me so please can I go to them?"they look at me before releasing me from their protective embrace, I walk towards the fairies again "Hey guys, how do you feel?" Erza comes and kneels before me crying saying "I'm so sorry please I deserve punishment, you may strike me, sister" I sweatdrop and so does everyone else "I forgive you all, I knew you were under a spell but I was angry that you gave up so easily but I researched it and it showed that this spell uses your love for a person against you, and so those who I were more close to were greatly affected, and yes I know that only nine weren't but it is because a protection I added on them before leaving with my celestial magic drove away that darkness" I announced making them all relax "But it does not change the fact that we must stay alert since we do not know who lissana is working with and I'm sure she will not talk, and also natsu was not under this spell all the pain he cause me and four of my friends was done by his own free will; he stoop so low as to contact a dark guild to help him" I add with hate and disgust laced in my voice, "Don't worry I will fight to protect every last one of you, my friends/family with everything I have" I announce with determination in my voice making them all look shock before smiling "Say lucy why are the twin dragons so protective of you?"I freeze knowing very well who that is, mira I slowly turn around sweating buckets and give her a nervous smile I see the glint in her eyes "She is our mate" I face palm, idiots she is going to kill me now, I feel two arms around my waist signaling that my two idiots are near "Oooh, is that sooo" I slowly nod "Gihi, bunny girl has two mates now that's rare and fun since they'll fight for her attention how I wish I could see that, gihihi" damn metal-face "Shut up it is not fun but annoying, they always have a lucy-tugwar" I yell making the whole guild laugh before levy speaks "She has two mates due to her power since she is a dragon slayer too" they all go silent before yelling "WHAT!!!" shattering all the dragon slayer's hearing, I laugh nervously and call out loke to go turn in lissana to the council so she can be with her little 'boyfriend' before explaining.
Time skip
When I'm done explaining they all stare at me wide eyed before master yell "LETS PARTY FOR HER SHORT VISIT!" and the party began making me tear up and having my dragons panic along with the guild, I look up and give them a sad smile "Now this is the fairy tail I know" they all laugh and we partied all night before we had to leave. I say goodbye to all my friends and place a protection spell that Nike one of my dragons thought me before leaving hand in hand with my twin dragons and exceeds, oh I almost forgot happy joined me saying he did not want to stay with natsu anymore. Smiling we make our way to the train station to head home since my battle for my friends has ended for today.

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