The Fallen Star

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Third Pov

Everyone was at shock at as they appeared in a familiar place well for most of fairy tail's members as they relaxed instantly. "What is this place?" jellal asked as he could feel high amounts of magic to which caused them all no harm as they were wearing celestial clothing except yukino, sting and rogue who wore their formal attires with their crowns atop their heads. "Welcome, my old friends it is a great pleasure to see you all again" they turned and gasped when they saw the celestial spirit king smiling down at them. "Also I welcome those new here to the celestial spirit world, I am the spirit king" many bowed their heads in respect as the fairy tail members along with the three stood there smiling. "It has been long since we have come" erza smiled, "Indeed it has but I'm afraid the circumstances are not the best, there is a reason why you were brought here" his smile disappeared before he looked out into the horizon with a frown. They were all confused but waited to see if he would explain further but a familiar voice spoke up, "Hime-sama made us bring you here when she was to perform a spell that wo-" she was stopped by loke who placed a hand over her mouth "You know we can't tell them" he whispered sadly and she nodded. "You will know soon enough lets just everything goes just as planned" he turned to the group smiling, "We will wait before getting you back to your world, but for know lets all relax"

With Lucy and the others

Magic surrounded her body as the sky became darker and the stars and moon appeared as each constellation shined brightly upon her. Everyone that had stayed was frozen in shock at the large amount of magic that was in the air, the spriggan twelve in fear of their master ran in the direction of the magic coming to the building of fairy tail.


The other three watched as a golden glow surrounded Lucy as she began to chant:

By the earth that was given life, the sun that gave us light and the fire that gave us warmth The moon that shines brightly along with the stars for they shall align by my command to cleanse the dark that has corrupted them. Thy silver thread will wrap around and turn black with all the darkness before returning to you. The stars shall guide their soul to what they cherish the most and they shall return to be be how they were before. My life will bring forth the light.

Natsu along with Zeref screamed out in pain as a gold and silver thread of light wrapped around their bodies restraining their movements. They felt lightheaded and calm as if a great burden had been taken from their shoulders. Mavis watched them stop squirming crying out for them before reaching but quickly pulling her hand away as the light turned black for zeref and a dark shade of red almost like blood from natsu. The two siblings were lost in their minds remembering every happy time they had together as their most precious ones popped up and reached out for them taking their hands they were guided towards their most loved one: for zeref it was mavis and natsu igneel. Lucy smiled softly as she watched the silver light disappear and the stary background vanished before she lurched forward and fell to her knees. "Hime-sama, is it time" tears pricked her eyes as her voice cracked, "Yes bring them" Mavis ran forward towards the two hugging them lightly before smiling before it faded as her green eyes landed on her granddaughter who was kneeling on the ground, her skin pale, and blood trickling from her mouth falling to the ground. " spell!?" she ran forward and hugged her tightly her eyes filling with tears " didn't have to..." lucy smiled patting her blonde locks softly before speaking in hoarse voice "I wanted you to be*cough*happy, don't cry. I'm happy that*cough*you will be happy again"she raised her head and kissed her forehead lightly before looking at her with teary brown eyes into her emerald ones and smiled. A blinding light made their heads snap to the left where all the others stood in shock at the scene before them before rogue and sting ran forward before hugging her closely as tears pricked their eyes. "Lucy, why did you....*sniff* do it?" rogue asked as his ruby eyes peered down at her in sadness. Slowly raising her hand and placing it on both of their cheeks she spoke "Her*couch*happiness was something I wanted. Sorry*cough* I love you" her eyes against her wishes as the other screamed out in pain as the others watched solemnly bowing their heads. Wendy walked forward kneeling beside them with the exceeds following suit, "Lucy-san, we will miss you so much" tears spilled and rolled down her cheeks and fell on the ground, fairy tail as well as sabertooth were devastated.

Rage filled sting as he stood up and launched towards zeref, who made no attempt to defend himself. "YOU ITS YOUR FAULT!?" but a shield blocke his path before erza's voice reached his ears. "Lucy did this for them, calm down we all feel sad and angry' she wiped her tears 'but she wanted us to be happy even you don't break or forget her principles. She was a star that fell into the earth and made us all happy" he fell to the ground in defeat sobbing as rogue and their exceeds hugged him closely. Makarov stepped forward, "Today we shall celebrate the victory in her honor, tomorrow we shall repair what is needed and then we will give her a farewell worthy of a queen" he raised his hand in the sign of fairy tail all its members following suit despite the tears that ran down their cheeks. "A fallen star as her deserves the best from her families" it was followed by 'Yeahs' Her spirits smiled sadly as many would miss her more than anything, "Is she not able to come here?" loke asked his king who shook his head sadly "All we can do now is give her the farewell she deserves for she as said before is a fallen star" "As you wish"

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