Chapter 3- He Wouldn't Leave Me..?

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When we finished our tour of the museum we headed back to the bus. Oli was silent the whole time. Not a word..or even a gesture.

" What's wrong Oli? you've been acting strange ever since you went to the bathroom are you alright? " He looked up at me and nodded his head. With one finger he combed the bangs out of his eyes.

" What if my dream took off one day? " He asked.

well that was sudden... and odd.

" Then I'd be there to support you and be happy? why? " He swallowed and pulled his hands in his pockets.

Taking out a card he dropped it in my lap and sighed.

" I got an the bathroom. By a producer. I was singing. I thought no one was in there... he was."

I stared at the card for what seemed like days. I was really excited for Oli but hurt at the same time. He wouldnt leave me he's my best friend.

My numb lips began to move again and I smiled.

" That's great Oliver! " I took him in my arms and he held me closely to his chest. I could hear his vulnerable heart beat and it reminded me of when we were little.

Flash Back- *Fourth Grade*

" Swing higher Britt! if you swing high enough you could touch the clouds." Oliver yelled. I stretched my tiny legs back getting as high as I could reaching with one hand.
" I cant." I said.
" reach higher Britt! " I slid myself closer to the edge reaching with every might I could. Hoping I would touch the beautiful puffy white clouds. I moved closer to the edge until I slipped off of my seat and came tumbling to the ground. The wood chips jabbing into my skin. Running to help me Oliver kneeled beside me lifting my head from the dirt.
" Are you OK? " he asked. I didn't cry. I was never a girly girl but I do admit my eyes grew cloudy with ready to fall tears.
" I'm fine." I lied.
" You know what my mom told me?"
He picked at a few wood chips that were entangled in my hair.
" What?"
" That a kiss could make it all better."
and without a warning he planted a kiss on my lips. My cheeks grew red. My first kiss!
I was speechless, he just?? kissed me??!?
" You're mom was right." I said with a cheeky smile.

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