Chapter 9- He's Gone...

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* 1 Year Later *

I opened my house door for the first time. The smell of alcohol and drugs stung my eyes. My mother put an arm around my shoulder.

" Didn't change." I said. I looked at the floor where the accident happened. The blood dried and still on the floor leaving off a rotten smell that made me gag.

" He didn't even bother to clean it up.."

" He said it gives him...power.."

I held my arms. What a sick bastard.

" I'm gonna..go up to my room." I ran up the steps and opened my room door. Not a thing touched, or out of place. The only difference was that

there were dust spuds on my drawer. I walked over to my window. The window from which I could stare out the window and see Olivers house. Sometimes he would visit me at his own window since we were across from each other.

It was pitch black and his once perfect cut lawn was now overtaken with weeds and overgrown grass. Where could his family have gone? Wouldnt he only be gone for at least a month. I dashed down the stairs and out the door running towards the house.

I stopped at the door and breathed. Twisting the knob I walked inside. The air was filled with mist and the furniture gone. My heart stopped.

" Oliver? " I called into the air. I ran up the stairs to his room. It was like I was expecting Oli to be sitting on his bed awaiting my presence. But..I was wrong. He was not there, and he never will be. I sat down in the corner of the empty room and sobbed in my hands.

" He's gone...He's actually gone.."

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