Chapter 41-A Little Too Late

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" You're what?? " Oliver stood up from his seat. I crossed my arms and looked away, I couldn't look him in the eyes. It would probably hurt me more then it hurt him.

" I'm leaving the tour? "

" You can't! And where would you go? "

Shit... I had no where to go. But it didnt matter where I would go. As long as I was away from this tour... And I was away from him. I blurted out the first person I could think of, and I regretted it ever since.

" Drew. I'm staying with Drew. He calls me anyway and... He wanted me to go back to Alabama. "

His fists clenched at his eyes and a vain popping out of his forehead, I forced myself to look in his eyes. In them, hurt, betrayed, anger. But I didn't care. He didn't care how I felt so why should I? He ran his fingers through his hair and unclenched his knuckles.

" Please..Don't." His voice cracked. I breathed and sucked up any sadness before I would eventually fall in a pit of sobs and cries.

" I'm sorry."

If I left I could accomplish my mission and that meant a whole lot more than this stupid argument between me and Oliver.

With every bone in my body I took the first step and speed walked away. Holding my arms and looking up at the clouds, I wondered if I could see pictures in the clouds. It seemed as if everyone could see things and I was the only one seeing big balls of white. My eye balls found a shillouette of a woman. She was holding an umbrella with a big poofy skirt, It reminded me so much of mom that I stopped walking. It felt as if a gravitational pull was drawing me towards the cloud and I knew my legs no more.

" BRITTANY!! " I heard Oliver call. But it was as if everything was blocked out and I was blinded by a light. I soon felt wet and I couldn't breath. I opened my eyes to find myself in the pool, looking left to right and kicking against the water which didnt do much. I never learned how to swim, I didnt think I'd need it but now I find myself in the deep end with no one to hold onto.

" Come to me."  I turned my head staring into the pool light. Dazed and confused on what I heard, Still choking and holding my breath a sudden shadow swooped past and I felt a tug against my leg.

" Stay Alive."

" MOM? " I screamed into the water, only allowing the water to go into my throat and kill me from the inside. I shut my eyes and continued to fall to only feel huge arms pulling me up from behind my waist.


She screamed in my arms, right when I pulled her from the water. Like she wanted to go back... Like she was planning to take that fall. She just kept saying ' I saw her. I saw her ' which was probably just the water going up to her head. I soon felt bad for shunning brittany. I didnt mean for it to go so far, I just wanted to make her hurt just a little.  I brought her back to the bus, of course the guys kept staring over my shoulder and poking her legs to make sure she was Ok.

Yet again, I screw up. With everything. I probably just caused the girl I love to hate me and want to get away from my bullshit. Which I understand. She probably doesnt love me the way I love her. She's never even uttered love. Not in anything. Which was also very hard and confusing for me. I know she loves me, but I'm starting to question my judgment. Maybe I should just let her go. Its obvious I'm not good enough, and I shouldn't hold her back from finding her true love.

I set her down on the couch and sat at the end, Her wet hair all pulled up in a towel, her eyes closed as she silently snored into a deep sleep.

I hovered over her and kissed the top of her forehead stroking her cheek and pressing my forehead against hers.

"  It kills me to say these words Britt. I love you with all my heart, and I just keep hurting you. You deserve better than me. And if thats what you'll find with Drew. I'll give it to you...I have to let you go..."


Authors Note:

I felt like writing again so I did it the same day, You never know when I could update again! You welcome by the way! OMG She saw her mom in spirit form... KINDA! >.< LMAOO SO ANYWAYY I dont know the next time I could UPDATE so PLEASE PLEASE PLLEEEEAAASSSEE!! COMMENT! READ! TELL PPL ABOUT IT!! >.< Do annnyytthinng! i NEED SOME FEEDBACK! OK GUYS? Thanks, Anyway.. I'll update soon.. Or atleast try. SO BYE LOVE YOU AND DONT FORGET TO COMMENT

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