Chapter 29- Letting You Care

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I awoke in Oliver's arms. I could hear his steady breathing and silent snores as he was peacefully still locked up in his slumber. It hurt to loose my mother, but it felt good to know I wasn't alone.

It wasn't just me in all of this.

I stretched and removed the comforters from my legs. Hopping up and standing instead of slouching for the first time since yesterday.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

" You're awake. Crap. I wanted to make you breakfast." He sat up groaning and then stretching his biceps. Which I'll admit made me drool for 2 seconds...3 at the most.

" There's two things wrong with what you said."

He grinned and put his hands under his chin as if to listen intently.

" One, You're horrible at cooking.. and two.. you guys probably don't have anything but Leftover pizza from last night, wine and or beer."

He shook his head, a cocky grin stretched on the side of his lips.

" You're wrong.. we had burgers last night.." 

I shrugged.

" Anyway, I need to shower up and..stuff."

" There's fresh towels and new toothbrushes in the little compartment in the bathroom." He said rubbing his eyes and standing up.

I nodded.

" I'll go get ready in the  bathroom in the hall."

I shot him a confused look.

" Where are you going? "

He ran his fingers through his hair.

" I gotta get you some clothes and..stuff before we go back on the road today."

I shook my head.

" You don't-"

" I'm doing it Brittany. Its either you let me do it or I call you Britty Titty the rest of your life."

I pouted.

" That's not fair."

He smiled and kissed the top of my forehead.

" I'll be back in a hurry. " And with that he left.



Sorry this chapter was really short. Hope you guys enjoyed, I'll be updating shortly.. Yay!
Lmaoo XD Things are gonna get tense for Brittany in the bus. But let's hope she pulls through. cx
Anyway next chappie will be updated shortly.. Thanks for reading.. Until next Chappie.
Peace .

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